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Author:  Karaoke w/Ron [ Sun Nov 09, 2003 4:24 am ]
Post subject:  Microphones

Started new topic so as not to hijack the what ya like best topic with an entire discussion on new microphones. Did use the new cordless mic at the Fri show. Everybody loved it. Had not one complaint and a number of compliments. Couple additional comments about the AT3100 series; UHF, 200 selectable freqs, and batteries-uses 2 AA batteries (much cheaper than 9V) and I played with it at the house for couple hrs then a show that went 4 hrs and the batt pwr indicator hasn't come off the full charge notch yet. It has an indicator on the receiver similar to a cell phone charge indicator. Other things I like are the metal body and the LED on the receiver - you can monitor RF, AF, Batt state, freq, diversity status etc.

Although I didn't have any complaints about the old ones, I had a problem with one of the 3 handhelds, and was beginning to have problems with the second (mostly because of the plastic battery cover), and did not want to wait till People started complaining before acting. I really never thought the old ones were bad, its just that the new one is so much higher quality, its almost like the old saying "you never miss something you never had". This is getting kinda long winded, but the final item is except in emergency, always test/play/dial in any new piece of equipment and get to know it prior to using in show. I did this and it did make the first time out go much smoother than if I had not done it.

Anyone else on something new?

Author:  Guest [ Sun Nov 09, 2003 11:14 am ]
Post subject: 

Ron and all,
the AT-300's with the 9 volts. (not your AT-3000 series that have the "AA" batts) have a similar situation that the metal contact spring problem in them that after about a year of nightly use (and i mean 365 - 400 shows),
they start to start having contact problems with the battery ans sound like they are being interfered with. although the real problem is that the contacts have become compressed. the only acceptable solution is to get the contacts replaced.. bending them out to make a better contact has broken a few by a few KJ's that have used my rigs.. and the fix isn't that expensive.. it's alot less expensive than replacing a whole microphone or wireless system. but it's a major pain if it goes out when you don't carry a wired mic as a back-up i carry 3 real good Wired back ups in each system and a personal wired and a phantom powered condenser headset (48v). in my personal system ( depending on the show) alot of times i'll never use it. a great sounding wired handheld is just enough for me. :wink:

But Ron is in the right direction and is on to something.. and has a great system that works for him. His system is very simple and Does it very effiently. his show is worth a look.


Brian D.

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