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Mixer Problem???
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Author:  TopherM [ Mon Jul 16, 2007 6:21 am ]
Post subject:  Mixer Problem???

I run my system off a Yamaha 16/6FX mixer. I have been using this mixer particular at my steady gig twice a week for about 2.5 years now (purchased to upgrade my old mixer in Feb. 2005).

The problem I have been having lately is that on my two primary stereo channels, there are certain slider levels where the music will cut out on one channel and only play out of one speaker. If I tick the slider up or down slightly, then the problem goes away and everything is back to normal. This occurs whether I am operating in stereo or mono.

This leads me to believe that there is something wrong with the circuitry of those particular channels where at certain slider-level settings, one of the two stereo channels is cutting out. The slider level settings that seem to be "wearing out" are the typical average levels I have been using for each channel, respectively, over the life of the mixer.

Like I said, it isn't the biggest of problems, since I know where these "hiccups" are and just avoid those settings, but it is quite annoying.

Has anyone ever experienced this, and is it fixable on the cheap or is my mixer just wearing out??

Author:  karyoker [ Mon Jul 16, 2007 6:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Mixer Problem???

I just changed a slider in a Mackie. Not familar with Yamaha but here are some things you can try.

There is a dust cover over the sliders with slots that the slider arms work in. Check the gap and see if is still tight. The next step is getting some contact cleaner or tuner cleaner at the shack Insert the nozzle into the slot and hit a couple of times than run the fader back and forth.

Author:  Dennisgb [ Tue Jul 17, 2007 7:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Mixer Problem???

karyoker @ Mon Jul 16, 2007 11:41 am wrote:
I just changed a slider in a Mackie. Not familar with Yamaha but here are some things you can try.

There is a dust cover over the sliders with slots that the slider arms work in. Check the gap and see if is still tight. The next step is getting some contact cleaner or tuner cleaner at the shack Insert the nozzle into the slot and hit a couple of times than run the fader back and forth.

Contact cleaner is one of the best inventions of the 20th century. Works great on pots too!

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