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PostPosted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 8:23 am 
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[quote="jamkaraoke @ November 4th 2009, 10:24 am"][quote="Murrlyn @ Wed Nov 04, 2009 8:55 am"][quote="jamkaraoke @ Tue Nov 03, 2009 3:26 pm"]
It seems you are an EXCEPTION that can't be considered in a general business plan
SPECIAL BACKING TRACKS without lyrics !! Titles so obscure 99.9% of shows would not have them ???? -- This goes along the "special cases" ....When you were a regular and the REGULAR KJ knew you ..it was no problem. Get a NEW KJ who is not familiar with you or your needs and all hell breaks loose. INSTEAD of you explaning to this NEW KJ you get insulted and never go back ( I UNDERSTAND THAT THE KJ HAD BIGGER PROBLEMS THAN NOT JUST PLAYING YOUR CDG)[/quote]

I fail to see how playing a customer's CD cannot be considered in a general business plan, whether the KJ is PC-based or CDG based. There are many shows I have been to where the KJ has been graciously accommodating in playing my CDs and they have not had to have a special business plan to do so. What does it matter that track titles are "obscure"? T he track is on my CD, I know the words, and the audience seems to enjoy the variety of songs I sing, regardless of whether they can see the lyrics or not.

It was no problem for the KJ BEFORE I was a regular and the KJ did not know me... she just happily played my CD. The new KJ did not insult me. His attitude was what I perceive Jamkaraoke's would be.... no way was he wanting to play my CD. However, I would hope that Jamkaraoke would tell me the truthful reason why he would not play my CD, and not hide behind a lie like this other KJ did. It is the KJ's choice as to how the show is run and I have no problem with that... there are plenty of venue choices of which I can decide is best suited to me. A venue that does not play my CD is not one that suits me so I do not go there, it's as simple as that!

In a land where tipping for service is regarded as almost mandatory, I find it quite interesting that many KJ's such as jamkaraoke do not extend a simple service to their singers. Who knows, the singer might be appreciative enough of the gesture that a nice tip may be palmed to the KJ at the end of the evening![/quote]

If you came to one of my shows with a CDG in hand I would TRUTHFULLY tell you that I apologize but I don't have the ability to play your disc. It's that simple !!
I wouldn't have an attitude - in fact I would be over accomodating trying to help you find a song in our book that you may like. If you never came back to my show or left right there I UNDERSTAND --you got to do what you got to do !!
But since we are being honest --Hopefully you wouldn't walk away with a feeling that I was CHEAP or a PIRATE as indicated by others. I'm just a hardworking KJ who chooses not to play customers cdgs (CURRENTLY) -- NOW if we talked and you mentioned you liked the show and venue and would be back --The next week I just might have a cdg player for you .... That's how I am. On the other hand if YOU gave me some ATTITUDE --I would tell you to "f" off ... That's also how I am.

As long as I remember PLAYING customer cdgs has been under discussion --even before the MP3+G craze. I assume that many KJ's go to COMPUTER based shows to do away without players and discs. Many still hook up a player for customer cdgs and that is COMMENDABLE. Many do not but have software that allows them to play off of their laptop drive. And then again many also choose not to. SOME KJ'S JUST DON'T HAVE A NEED TO. THEIR CLIENTELE IS ONE THAT DOES NOT HAVE A CASE OF THERE OWN CDGS WITH THEM EVERY NIGHT. If you're a singer who carries there own music ...fine ( hint) go to shows that play your cd? Why are you crying about the shows that don't ????. Maybe there a singers that have songs on REEL to REEL TAPE ??? --do I need to hook up that also ???. You walk into a show and if the KJ can't play your CDG ..just walk out ..why must some singers have to get on here and start BASHING the KJ and their show. DIFFERANT STROKES FOR DIFFERANT FOLKS....Just find a SHOW you like and zip it !!!! :angel:[/quote]

I find it just a little bit humorous that both jamkaraoke and Gemini spell "DIFFERENT" with an "A" in it. I guess GREAT MINDS misspell alike????

Yes, many KJ's decide to go to a PC based show to do away with carrying thousands of CDs around with them. Carrying in ONE karaoke machine is not exactly a heavy piece of equipment. The majority of computer based karake shows that I have been to are being run by people who never owned more than handful of karaoke discs and only got into the karaoke business when they could buy tens of thousands of songs on the CHEAP. I've been going to karaoke shows for well over 10 years now and it's curious to me that people who had just a few thousand songs for years when they ran a disc based show, all of a sudden go to a laptop based show and they immediately go from 8,000 songs to 80,000 songs in a matter of a week. I just think if someone saved over a hundred grand on their song library they can at least spring for a CDG player. CHEAP, LAZY, ALOOF, ARROGANT?????? Take your pick but there has to be a reason for not wanting to satisfy your customers. I don't concern myself with how a KJ got his collection of songs just like I don't concern myself with every guy that passes me on the highway going 90 MPH. I let KIAA and groups like that worry about the karaoke pirates and I let the State Police take care of the speeders. It's none of my business. To me, having the ability to play a customer's disc is almost as important as running a fair rotation. Both things are quite simple to provide but some KJ's don't care enough about their shows to do them the right way. KJ's like Lonnie are doing shows every night of the week and they make sure that they can keep ALL of the singers happy including the singers who like to bring their own discs. KJ's like Gemini and jamkaraoke, who seem to resent having to go the extra "two feet", only have one show per week. I wonder why that is? Hmmm. Most successful businesses cater to the customers. They don't expect the customers to cater to them. People who own businesses spend money to advertise what it is they are trying to sell in an effort to attract customers who will make their business succeed. Bar owners are hiring KJs to bring in as many people as possible. Why would any business person want to lose even ONE customer over something as simple as plugging in a machine that takes less space on a table than a second laptop or installing a software program that could play a karaoke disc? Maybe the person bringing his or her own disc is the nicest person in the world with a great voice who spends a lot of money on drinks and food every night that they go to karaoke. Maybe that person knows a lot of other like minded people who love karaoke and they like to bring their own discs to the show as well. Why would any business person in their right mind want to alienate this group of karaoke singers?? It just doesn't make good business sense so I'm wondering what the real reason is that these types of KJ's refuse to make every effort to accomodate as many singers as possible.

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 8:49 am 
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This is not the FIRST thread on this subject, and I'm sure it won't be the LAST. What I don't understand is why can't it just be left as it is at the HOST'S discretion. If they want to alienate singers WITH their OWN DISCS, it's THEIR BUSINESS. Why are the people that bring their own discs so HELL BENT on trying to convince the host to change their ways. If you don't like their show, DON'T GO. To me, that's very simple. Something I always say is "My money spends EVERYWHERE", if someone doesn't want my money, I go to where they do want it. If you KNOW that you can play your discs at someone elses show, then GO THERE. If the other HOST wants to run HIS BUSINESS in the ground, it's no sweat off your a$$, so why be so concerned with how HE runs HIS show. Personally, I don't have the time, nor the desire to WORRY about what another host does, or doesn't do.


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PostPosted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 9:13 am 
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edited : taking the high road :angel:

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 9:25 am 
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edited : taking the high road :angel:

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 9:47 am 
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This sure is turning ugly for what started out as a good thread. :(

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 9:50 am 
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Yup, think it's time to wrap this one up.

Unless you have something of value to add to this already overdone thread, let's just be adults and stop, mkay?

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 10:49 am 
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Karen K @ Wed Nov 04, 2009 12:50 pm wrote:
Yup, think it's time to wrap this one up.

Unless you have something of value to add to this already overdone thread, let's just be adults and stop, mkay?

mkay msorry LOL

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 11:13 am 
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[quote="jamkaraoke @ November 4th 2009, 12:13 pm"]edited : taking the high road :angel:[/quote]

Sorry I missed it. I'm sure it was very classy.

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 11:26 am 
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BruceFan4Life @ Wed Nov 04, 2009 2:13 pm wrote:
jamkaraoke @ November 4th 2009, 12:13 pm wrote:
edited : taking the high road :angel:

Sorry I missed it. I'm sure it was very classy.

:vomit: :vomit: :vomit: :vomit:

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 11:30 am 
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ALright I think this one is pretty much had it's course. There is enough debate on both sides to form your own opinions.

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