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PostPosted: Sat Sep 12, 2009 4:42 pm 
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True things can always be copied, but some take more work than others and even if they are copied if you are the FIRST to stake out the position and have been doing a good job of filling a unique need than it's harder for somebody else to get people to give his new product claiming to do what you are already known for doing well, a try.

And Rosario -- LOL Never really looked at Oprah Winfrey's show quite that way...

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 1:05 am 
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BigJer @ Sat Sep 12, 2009 8:18 am wrote:
Angel I'm curious about what you thought about my women's karaoke show ideas....

I asked some women what would make them want to come to karaoke (bars) more. They said they want to be treated right. ????

Since when don't women get treated right when they go out? They want to feel safe. Notice women almost always travel with someone else. Not too many loners. They want to dance. Do guys still dance?

They don't (according to them) want to see a bunch of jerk guys. How do you stop that? Quit serving alcohol?

Believe me i am looking for that magic formula too.

There are hard core women that sing the bad girl songs. There are probably more that sing slow good girl songs. Now are a bunch of guys going to want to sit there all night listening to the slow good girl songs? Are the guys going to sit there and watch soaps on the bar TV?

You can't turn it into a smut fest. Although, that would probably work. The guys would be all for it. Not too many women.

Ladies night drink specials are illegal because you are discriminating against guys.

A cover charge for men only won't work. Discrimination again. I work in a real nice sports bar that is very clean and i don't see many women there on sports night. Mainly guys. So sports isn't the answer.

You are talking about getting more women in the bar right. Sports doesn't seem to be the common denominator for men and women. What is?

Do you have more men or women singers? Or is it pretty even? I see as many drunk women as I do men. That isn't what i'm looking for. Young girls want to party.
Young guys want to party. Older men want to party but in different ways. Older women do too. The younger ones don't care as much about going to work hung over in the morning. Older ones do. Everyone can't just get drunk. That's not an attraction for me.

Anyone that figures this out will make a lot of money. We know what attracts guys to bars. There never seems to be a shortage of guys at a bar.

Is a different colored microphone going to do it? Or pink books?

Most bars look like guy hangouts. If they were more girly with flowers and plants and girl decorations and girl stuff would that work? Sleepovers and pajama parties.

Maybe a bar makeover. How would an interior decorator redo a bar to attract women? Look at a batchler pad and look at it after a woman lives there. Women make it look like a women lives there so other women know a woman lives there. They make it homey and warm and inviting. Not like a place to catch a disease. :angel:

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 1:13 am 
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I'ver started playing live guitar with some of my singers, it's really going down well. I got an inflateable on the stage that they can use to 'jam along' with. Status Quo.. Oh yeah! :lol:

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 1:26 am 
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This might get a little touchy. No offense meant to anyone. Just looking for answers.

How do gays know a gay bar when they see one? Is there a certain look to the bar?

How would a woman know a woman friendlier bar? Is a bouncer the answer?

Pool table, no pool table. Games, no games. Comfy booths, high tables and stools. Low tables. Bright lights, low lights. Windows, no windows. Curtains. Dance floor, no dance floor. Restroom lounge. Candles on the tables.

Maybe the answer isn't in the karaoke. We could all be right or wrong. :angel:

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 1:38 am 
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6 String @ Sun Sep 13, 2009 1:13 am wrote:
I'ver started playing live guitar with some of my singers, it's really going down well. I got an inflateable on the stage that they can use to 'jam along' with. Status Quo.. Oh yeah! :lol:

IMO Props while someone else is singing distracts from the singers moment of glory. Especially if the prop wielder is clowning around making people laugh. Singers are trying their best not to make a fool out of themselves by screwing up the song. That's embarrassing enough. Let alone someone "helping." Everything sounds like a good idea until someone gets mad about it. Whether accidentally or on purpose.

I would be pi&&ed if someone was clowning around during my song after i waited an hour or more to do it. To the point of not coming back.

Do you want to do karaoke or MC the circus side show? :angel:

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 1:33 pm 
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angel910 @ Sun Sep 13, 2009 3:38 am wrote:
6 String @ Sun Sep 13, 2009 1:13 am wrote:
I'ver started playing live guitar with some of my singers, it's really going down well. I got an inflateable on the stage that they can use to 'jam along' with. Status Quo.. Oh yeah! :lol:

IMO Props while someone else is singing distracts from the singers moment of glory. Especially if the prop wielder is clowning around making people laugh. Singers are trying their best not to make a fool out of themselves by screwing up the song. That's embarrassing enough. Let alone someone "helping." Everything sounds like a good idea until someone gets mad about it. Whether accidentally or on purpose.

I would be pi&&ed if someone was clowning around during my song after i waited an hour or more to do it. To the point of not coming back.

Do you want to do karaoke or MC the circus side show? :angel:

What do you care Angel? What works for him works for him. Don't like it, don't go to his show. Why do you have to run down other people? Where did you come from all of a sudden? I'm sure he doesn't spring this on someone without them wanting it. I've had requests to play my harmonica, so what? Does that mean mine isn't a karaoke show? IMO it is a karaoke show and I really wouldn't be interested in your opinion.

And ladies night drink specials are NOT illegal, at least not around my parts, the venue I work has it every Wednesday and it brings the ladies.

KingBing Entertainment C'mon Up! I have a song for you!!! [font=MS Sans Serif][/font]

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 2:52 pm 
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angel910 @ Sun 13 Sep, 9:38 am wrote:
6 String @ Sun Sep 13, 2009 1:13 am wrote:
I'ver started playing live guitar with some of my singers, it's really going down well. I got an inflateable on the stage that they can use to 'jam along' with. Status Quo.. Oh yeah! :lol:

IMO Props while someone else is singing distracts from the singers moment of glory. Especially if the prop wielder is clowning around making people laugh. Singers are trying their best not to make a fool out of themselves by screwing up the song. That's embarrassing enough. Let alone someone "helping." Everything sounds like a good idea until someone gets mad about it. Whether accidentally or on purpose.

I would be pi&&ed if someone was clowning around during my song after i waited an hour or more to do it. To the point of not coming back.

Do you want to do karaoke or MC the circus side show? :angel:

There is a selection of songs on my books that have the option for live guitar. If they didn't want it, they wouldn't ask for it. I didn't realise there were such strict rules, I do apologise. :oops:

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 7:58 pm 
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NO need to apologise to anyone. Not everyone is a semi-karaoke-nazi here. Do what works for your show.

Angel does have a good point though. An accompanying instrument or unwanted singer backing or helping out CAN be very distracting or annoying to some singers who want the spotlight to themselves... :roll:

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 9:28 pm 
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????? AS somebody who has jammed about evry way possible and with many bands I find these comments totally insane. If you got somebody playing solo and distracting tell the host. I have never sang with a picker I couldnt jam with. Maybe thats why I dont like pure karaoke anymore.

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 12:17 am 
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The karaoke part of karaoke is about the singer. Someone playing a real or blow up instrument during my song ...i wouldn't like. First of all what if the real instrument player sucks. And what about some drunken fool clowning with the fake instruments making people laugh or yell. Not during my song i waited an hour to do. I'm sure most karaoke singers would feel the same.

If you don't have big karaoke crowds with lots of singers maybe you just found out why. I'm sure there are drunk singers at shows that couldn't care less about what is happening while they try to sing.

The clown or instrument player is stealing the spotlight from the singer. It's no different than someone coming up and singing off key in your ear while you're singing. Would you want me to do that to you? Would you let a microphone hog that thinks they should grab the microphone and sing along with every singer do it? That makes it a side show, not a karaoke show.

People that are seriously trying to sing and sing well don't want any stupid interference from some attention grabbing clown. It's starts turning into a free for all. Hey we don't care about the singers it's clown time. A clown show instead of a karaoke show. Open stage show instead of karaoke.

You may think you are building a "fun" show reputation. And you are. But you are chasing away serious singers. May as well have a GONG to ring during their song. Just as embarrassing. Hand the crowd tomatos and old friut to throw too. That's fun.

Fun is one thing, but screwing with a singer and stealing the spotlight during their song isn't my idea of fun.

I guess everyone plays better than the musicians on the karaoke tracks. Guitar Heroes. Why am i wasting my money buying karaoke music? How about a band karaoke night where everyone just pretends to sing songs.

No wonder karaoke is dying out. Nobody is allowed to sing anymore without interuptions. :angel:

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 1:27 am 
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Angel, I appreciate that you have your own opinion on how things should be done, I am free to ignore it, but I hope it works for you. I don't appreciate you telling me that what I do is "stupid interference" and calling me an "attention grabbing clown". There's really no need for that.

My shows are doing just fine thank you, there are plenty of singers I'm not chasing anyone away.

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 5:09 am 
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6 String @ Mon Sep 14, 2009 1:27 am wrote:
Angel, I appreciate that you have your own opinion on how things should be done, I am free to ignore it, but I hope it works for you. I don't appreciate you telling me that what I do is "stupid interference" and calling me an "attention grabbing clown". There's really no need for that.

My shows are doing just fine thank you, there are plenty of singers I'm not chasing anyone away.

Nothing personal was intended toward anyone. But that is how i would consider the interuption. By whomever decided they wanted a piece of my spotlight. And if they do it on every song, they have more "spotlight" time than anyone. Is that fair to the singers that wait to sing? I play an instrument so i'll be on stage all night long. As i said if everyone is drunk out of their minds then nothing matters.

Can i sing three 8 minute songs (American Pie, Tuesday's Gone and Paradise by the Dashboard Lights) in a row to catch up to the trumpet player? See how it could get out of hand.

I have a girl that wants to sing "back up" with everyone. Like she's some big star. People don't like it. But it's hard to say no to someone and not make anyone mad especially if they have been drinking. As the KJ i tell them no because it's their song. They don't want or need any help and if they did they would ask for it.

I have seen people get mad about shakers and tambourines when used for every song. It gets annoying after a while. Like too much chocolate pudding. :angel:

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 6:37 am 
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Mine's a commodity. I think it's soybeans

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 7:02 am 
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Mine's a commodity. I think it's soybeans

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 9:35 am 
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angel910 @ Mon 14 Sep, 1:09 pm wrote:
Nothing personal was intended toward anyone. But that is how i would consider the interuption. By whomever decided they wanted a piece of my spotlight. And if they do it on every song, they have more "spotlight" time than anyone. Is that fair to the singers that wait to sing? I play an instrument so i'll be on stage all night long. As i said if everyone is drunk out of their minds then nothing matters.

Are you for real? :laughatthat:

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 9:42 am 
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I really hate those gals that come up on stage and rub their booty all over us and distract us so much we cant even sing!!! They are robbing the spotlight from us and it aint fair!!!!!!! :shock: :(

I had to quit doing Baby Got Back....

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 12:37 pm 
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They do that to me when I sing "Trashy Women". I just can't understand it :o
Ah well sacrifices must be made so send those offenders my way and I'll try to find a way to deal with my disappointment at the loss of undivided attention. :lol:

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 1:32 pm 
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6 String @ Mon Sep 14, 2009 9:35 am wrote:
angel910 @ Mon 14 Sep, 1:09 pm wrote:
Nothing personal was intended toward anyone. But that is how i would consider the interuption. By whomever decided they wanted a piece of my spotlight. And if they do it on every song, they have more "spotlight" time than anyone. Is that fair to the singers that wait to sing? I play an instrument so i'll be on stage all night long. As i said if everyone is drunk out of their minds then nothing matters.

Are you for real? :laughatthat:

Exactly and there is the difference.

I am looking at it from a KJ & semi serious singers perspective. They don't want ANYONE interupting their precious singing time. I have seen singers get upset because of some unrelated laughter from a table where someone told a joke. They thought their singing were being laughed at. So they would think anyone trying to play or pretend play around during their song as an attempt to ridicule or make fun of their performance.

Just like someone that trips their buddy because it will be funny to watch them fall down. Until they crack open their skull and reguire stitches. It's funny until something goes wrong, then what? How do you fix it?

As a musician that wants to show off on someone elses dime i would expect your twisted view. Are you a serious KJ? Are you a serious singer? Are you a serious musician? Do you attract serious singers? Do you attract wannabe Musicians? Are you running an open stage for undiscovered musicians? Is it a comedy act? Are you running a karaoke show? Put a name on it. When do the real singers matter? :angel:

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 2:01 pm 
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You can post as many insults as you like, my show works and my singers love it.

Someone once told me never to argue with an idiot. They drag you down to their level, then beat you with experience. :P

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 2:16 pm 
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You're joking, right?
Anyone that is THAT paranoid as to think that people laughing at someone's joke at the next table are laughing at them needs some serious help.
I'm talking heavy counseling, massive meds and perhaps a jacket or two....
Get real!

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