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PostPosted: Sat Aug 15, 2009 10:41 am 
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angel910, grow up!
I'm sure we're all getting tired of listening to you whine about the situation ad nauseum while you insist that we are all doing the wrong things.
You ask, we tell, you fail to listen.
What part of THERE IS NOTHING YOU CAN DO don't you get??
We are trying to tell you what you CAN do, but you refuse to listen.
Just what do you think CAN be done? Don't you think that all the KJs on here have already tried everything and been down that road already?
Instead you choose to focus on the negative and insist on bashing your head against a brick wall, apparently with the belief that if you bash long and hard enough the wall will crumble. Well, we're trying to tell you that all you will do is give yourself one helluva headache. Open your eyes and ears and LISTEN. COMPREHEND what they're trying to tell you.
They are trying to share their experience with you and perhaps save you time and heartache and you insult them by insisting they're wrong!
The other KJ's on here have dealt with the problem for years and they are telling you what you CAN do, but you choose to ignore it.
Let my try one last time:
It may not be morally right or fair, but it IS a fact. Learn to deal with it.
Now please go and digest that thought carefully before you create your next post.
Other than focusing on making your show the best it can be, at this point in time, there is NOTHING else you can do!

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 15, 2009 10:41 am 
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The voices didn't tell her to answer the question. HMMMM....weird. Maybe if she could just do that simple thing, Insane and his pirate police could visit her area next.

It's called Karaoke Therapy... :oh yeah:

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 15, 2009 10:46 am 
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You need to take your blinders off and get your head out of the sand.
Ignoring the pirates won't fix the problem.

Read everyone elses solution.

"Just run a good show and do your best." Now that is special.

Who are the real idiots? :withstupid:

Exactly how is running the best show in the world going to stop them? I'm waiting for your very informed and intelligent answer to cure this massive problem.

Ignoring them isn't an option. Running a good show will just scare them to death and they will all get on the first plane, train or boat and leave the planet. I get it.

Quick, get out of the way or you'll get run over in the stampede. No need for usless lawsuits, just run a good show. How easy...did you patent that idea? If i run a good show am i in violation of your pirate killing patent?

Am i the only one that can see how ridiculous that majority reasoning sounds. Oh that must have them shaking in the pirate boots. Anyone that doesn't do their best to run a good show is just helping the pirates become stronger. So you could be in trouble for aiding and abetting them.

Tonight while i'm running my good show the internet will be overloaded and probably crash from pirates trying to book reservations to leave on the first available mode of transportation. :angel:

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 15, 2009 10:57 am 
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Unbelievable! Now I think angel is just messing with everyone for fun cause no one can be that thick.

"Don't worry. It will feel better when it quits hurtin."

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 15, 2009 11:19 am 
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Before I speak here, I must say that I try to be a nice poster. I don't try to feed anger; I am usually the "bouncer", or try to be, but OMG!! Is it humanly possible to be so hard-headed? Let's go back to the beginning. You told me you work steady, ALTHOUGH YOU'VE NEVER TOLD ANYONE WHERE NO MATTER HOW MANY TIMES YOU'VE BEEN ASKED, and you are able to do so because of your highly skillful spying skills and your endless knowledge of your competition. So what is your problem???? If you are working so steady, why are you so mad? :evil:

Maybe you won't answer the question because you are one of the KJs you speak so harshly of, and you are too worried about someone here that lives near you checking you out. For whatever reason, I think we should quit feeding your madness. If you even read the threads we had posted before, you would see that none of us like pirates; we simply have to move on and do what we can.

If you don't answer our questions, it is rather rude of you to expect us to answer any of yours. Especially when they are questions we've answered many times before. If you are going to be part of our community, you could at least be a contributing member, instead of just insulting and annoying everyone.

Stop feeding the troll people!!

It's called Karaoke Therapy... :oh yeah:

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 15, 2009 11:22 am 
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karaokeking211 @ Sat Aug 15, 2009 1:57 pm wrote:
Unbelievable! Now I think angel is just messing with everyone for fun cause no one can be that thick.

I agree... I'm going to ignore Angel now.

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 15, 2009 11:36 am 
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Just one last post from me. Sorry can't resist this one:
Apparently you didn't take my advice to digest and COMPREHEND what you've read.

angel910 @ Sat Aug 15, 2009 11:46 am wrote:
You need to take your blinders off and get your head out of the sand.
Ignoring the pirates won't fix the problem. Then what will?

Read everyone elses solution.

"Just run a good show and do your best." Now that is special. what else do you suggest?

Who are the real idiots? :withstupid: after calling us idiots, you expect us to help you? Now THAT'S rich!

Exactly how is running the best show in the world going to stop them? I'm waiting for your very informed and intelligent answer to cure this massive problem.Once again, no one ever said it would stop them. What it WILL do is get your show to a place where you will be sought out, even with a pirate saturated market.

Ignoring them isn't an option.Then what is? Please do inform us since you seem to know the answer that eludes us all. Really. I ask you to enrich us so that we too may get rid of all the pirates. Oh! Wait! That's right! You came to US asking for the answer! It seems you've suddenly become omniscient on the subject. Now I must ask: At this point, why are you still here?
Running a good show will just scare them to death and they will all get on the first plane, train or boat and leave the planet. I get it.

Quick, get out of the way or you'll get run over in the stampede. No need for usless lawsuits, just run a good show. How easy...did you patent that idea? If i run a good show am i in violation of your pirate killing patent?

Am i the only one that can see how ridiculous that majority reasoning sounds. Oh that must have them shaking in the pirate boots. Anyone that doesn't do their best to run a good show is just helping the pirates become stronger. So you could be in trouble for aiding and abetting them.

Tonight while i'm running my good show the internet will be overloaded and probably crash from pirates trying to book reservations to leave on the first available mode of transportation. :angel:

One last thing.
I repeat:

Ok. Until you actually make an effort to to either take the advice given or GRACEFULLY refuse it, until you make an apology for insulting us all here by calling us idiots, I am through responding to you.
I don't feed trolls. If at looks like a troll, if it acts like a troll.........

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 15, 2009 11:53 am 
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I'll give it my best shot. Everyone is trying to tell you that if you're doing as many shows as you can, and you're making YOUR MONEY, why would you care what the other guys are doing. If you're bringing in MONEY for your venue, why would the owner get rid of you. Nobody with half a brain gives up a bird in the hand for one in the bush. If you're happy, and the venue owner is happy, that's ALL you have to worry about.

Serenity Now Karaoke

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 15, 2009 1:27 pm 
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I am gonna jump in here after reading a few of these posts. I think angel910 negative energy is her/his worst enemy, not the pirates. If he/she put half as much energy in running a good show, as he/she is trying to bash head in here, then he/she would be a total success! Even with high competition from pirates or other shows! My vote here is, no matter what anyone says to him/her, he/she will NOT listen or take any advice from you. So, time to ignore and move on. DO NOT lower yourself to that type of negative energy, as it will only bring the forum down. She/he just plainly won't listen. Say it with me now everyone,,,,,,,,NEXT!!!!!!!!

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 15, 2009 8:37 pm 
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. . . and we still need a "don't feed the trolls" smiley . . .

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Dave's not here.
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 12:42 am 
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Thank you Moonrider !! We like it :lol:

It's called Karaoke Therapy... :oh yeah:

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