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PostPosted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 9:33 am 
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karyoker @ August 6th 2009, 11:59 am wrote:
Google karaoke Greeley...

I did just that, Ollie. It lists two locations for karaoke in Greeley, one of which is yours. Good Job. Good to see that you aren't AFRAID to let people know where you do your shows.

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 9:35 am 
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LOL My singers and bar regulars hire us for parties. 100% of them want a KJ/DJ format and some want a certain genre. In public relations one can not show bias or show favoritisms. People have choices about bands, cafes, stores, churches etc. Why should karaoke be any different? Maybe in Arabia everybody would be bidding for the next slot. The smart bar owners listen to their regs and give them what they want.

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 9:49 am 
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I like the forum so much I was going to suggest that one week-end a year we should all get together somewhere and have a karaoke "workshop" together. Really, just a chance to meet each other and share some personal karaoke experiences, but never mind. We would have to hire bouncers, and I don't think we could afford it.

You know, we could take turns hosting...but like I said, never mind. Bad idea. :laughatthat:

I could see us now... :D :talk: :beermates: :oh yeah: :dancin: :drunk:
:rofl4: :talk: :banghead: :grumble: :madgo: :argue:

We don't have any "emoticons" for fighting, name calling, and jail time, so I couldn't finish.

Lighten up!!

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 9:57 am 
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missbipbip @ Thu Aug 06, 2009 11:20 am wrote:
Children, children, please...let's not be mean to one another.

All you men are grown-ups. I am reading this thread, and it is embarrassing. Punches, name calling, insults...

It simply comes down to everyone having different opinions. It's ok you guys. Respect one another's differences. That really is what makes this an awesome forum. Because people are so different, you get great ideas from different people. If we were all the same, it would be pointless really. I use the advice and ideas I get from the forum to make my shows better.

While I do not accept bribes from people, I am not so harsh that I don't EVER understand a person's special situation. I have been skipped in a rotation before. Yes, it made me very angry. I was so obvious that I got skipped several times, I finally did leave. And if I walked in a bar and he was working, I would leave, but I am in no way a hard-Azz. The person singing in front of me said, "Hey, Bridgette (that's me) get ready, you're next" when he started to sing. My name was scrolling across the bottom of his screen. While he was singing, some little blond, young girl was rubbing all up on the KJ. When the guy's song finished, the KJ called the blond girl, but the computer started playing MY SONG!! And I'm not rubbing up on any of you KJ hotties to sing next. (Sorry Koyote...I don't need 6 minutes... :wink: Please don't take that offensively...I am j/k, just in case, with all the tension here) Anyway, if he would have called me in the next couple of songs, I would have been fine, although I feel that was in bad taste on the KJ's part. But he never called me again the whole rotation. It was unfair, to say the least.

I am a KJ. I run one show on the beach, and this show can be very different from regular karaoke shows. We have to juggle all kinds of things at this show that I don't have to juggle in my other venue, which is a small town, regular karaoke show. We have to keep the tourists happy so they come back, but we also have to cater a little to our regulars that keep us afloat in the winter. So things are different. I do have to insert DJ songs at times, even though I'm not fond of it. Tourists love to sing, but they LOVE to dance...or whatever they call it. I have been known occasionally to let one of my regulars sing out of turn, because the bar is packed like sardines and they can't take it anymore. They are leaving. If they have a song in the rotation that they haven't sung yet, I go ahead and let them. The tourist don't notice anyway, and the other regulars know what is going on. It is not a big deal at that show.

So Bruce, for once, I understand what you are saying. While you are a little harsh about it, I understand your frustration. It is not easy doing my job. It looks easy to most singers sitting on the other side of my table. And I have a rich customer who likes to buy everything she wants and she can afford it. She offered me $200 the other night to not play anymore slow, country songs. Before you attack me, I didn't take it. I told her I couldn't control what people sing, and it is karaoke. I don't like people who buy their way anymore than you. I think it gives unfair advantages to rich people, which is one thing wrong with this whole country, so I don't want to promote that idea at my show. Anyway, I understand you.

Koyote and Jam, I understand your positions too. I don't think it makes you an awful KJs to symapathize with someone's position. I think you may be a little more on the compassionate side than others. Like you, I have learned which of my singers will always have a special circumstance, and I don't cater to them anymore. If you ever once tell me you need to go ahead and sing because you are leaving, and I put you up, but you don't leave, I will never do it for you again.

I think an amazing KJ is one that can work a little on all ends of the spectrum. You're a firm, karaoke Nazi when you need to be, but you are also understanding to customers and know how to manipulate things to work the crowd and best benefit the atmosphere when you need to.

When people walk in a bar, they want to be entertained. It doesn't matter if it's karaoke and they don't sing. If the show is upbeat enough, they will stay. I have many regulars that never sing. My show is fun. (And believe me, it's not because I let 15 songs in a row be slow, sappy. I work it... :) )

I am never what I consider unfair, but I am flexible when it is necessary to my business. And guess what? Everyone, singers or not, love my show. I've got more shows offers than I can accomodate.

I just think we all need to try to understand different opinions. Being harsh and mean to one another and taking sides is really not necessary. There is a happy medium...Find it!!! :) Don't be so childish about it.

And any of you are welcome at any of my shows anytime...I would LOVE IT if some of my forum buddies walked in. I might even have to give you guys special privileges because of who you are...hehehe. And look...I'm still an :angel:

Amen Miss...your beach show sounds like a blastie blast.

Don't know how an innocent query turned into a crap slinging contest. Oh yeah...I remember. Someone ass-u-med that I was a loser and a pirate. A frequent flyer can not tell the pilot how to fly a plane even if they have been on a thousand flights.

I don't take bribes but I do graciously take tips which is the custy's way of saying thanks for a great time. Who doesn't like more money? I have gottened a bit tired of spending my valuable time at shows trying to reason with Sir Bribes-a-lot and was looking for quick deterants and found some and now am bowing out before I get anymore crap slung my way.


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PostPosted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 10:03 am 
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missbipbip @ Thu Aug 06, 2009 10:49 am wrote:
I like the forum so much I was going to suggest that one week-end a year we should all get together somewhere and have a karaoke "workshop" together. Really, just a chance to meet each other and share some personal karaoke experiences, but never mind. We would have to hire bouncers, and I don't think we could afford it.

You know, we could take turns hosting...but like I said, never mind. Bad idea. :laughatthat: !!

Actually what is portrayed in forums are often not the actual personna of people in real life.
I used to belong to another now defunct forum & the same type of arguments happened if not worse, but they'd always have a yearly 'summit' (some know of the JOLT) like a mini vacation & a meeting spot. One of the members would host the karaoke, nobody complained about rotation or anything else because it was all forum members. I was at a couple mini summits at my shows, but these weren't really planned, just a bunch from Oregon & Eastern WA came out.

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 10:05 am 
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It is quite a blast...thank you very much. If you're ever out my way, stop in!! 8)

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 10:07 am 
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I very seldom am ever offered a bribe. It really isn't irritating because it happens so seldom. I simply just turn it down and explain I don't run that kind of show.

When I first started it happened all the time, so I assumed many KJs made it a practice to take bribes. It actually was pretty funny to see the shock on some peoples faces when I said no to a $20. I've also had people who have apologized to me when they find out it isn't allowed. I think that's sweet, but not necessary.

I have a lot of regulars and they know the rules that is why I don't think I get that many people who try to bribe. You usually only have to tell people once and they don't try it again.

I've been keeping track of my tips since January. I average $50 a week. I don't take bribes and I don't ever advertise a tip jar. I'm sure some people don't even know I have one.
I'm curious about those of you that take bribes. How much money are you actually making by accepting bribes on average? and if you do except bribes how much are you making in tips?

People seem to appreciate the fact I run a fair rotation and I believe that is reflected in my tip jar.

[shadow=pink][glow=deepskyblue]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Image . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 10:08 am 
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Yeah, I thought about that the other day... and in my fantasy vacation, you were going to be the host!!! :lol: No one would beat you up.

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 10:43 am 
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I get to be the bouncer LMAO

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 11:06 am 
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"A frequent flyer can not tell the pilot how to fly a plane even if they have been on a thousand flights."

great analogy!!! comparing being a KJ to being an airline pilot. :D :wink: :wink: :wink: Yeah! They need the identical set of skills for that. Controlling a multi million dollar piece of flying equipment is exactly the same thing as keeping 30 or 40 slips of paper in order while playing music at the same time. :D :D :D :D

How about a passenger in a TAXI being able to know that the guy driving the cab is doing a lousy job when he's following too closely or cutting in and out of traffic in a dangerous way. ....and I certainly know the difference between a good landing and a bumpy one. If the overhead compartments open up on their own because of a hard landing; I think I have the right to tell the pilot that he did a lousy job of landing the plane. A good pilot would just acknowledge the fact and apologize for the bumpy landing and tell the passenger that it was an exception and it wouldn't happen very often. I don't think he'd tell the passenger that he was an idiot and that he should shut up until he could do it better himself.

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 12:12 pm 
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jamkaraoke @ Thu Aug 06, 2009 8:26 am wrote:
I apologize to those who were not directly involved and I hope you find this entertaining at the least! :D :D

How Many singer would accept a $20 bill to forfeit your spot in 1 rotation ???
hmmmmm....you are actually thinking about it aren't you ?

Not me. I wanna sing my song when I am suppose to sing it, no sooner - no later.

The Line Array Experiment is over. Nothing to see here. Move along.

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 12:48 pm 
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BruceFan4Life @ Thu Aug 06, 2009 12:22 pm wrote:
Well, it's obvious that you can't even spell obsession. I wonder if you can spell paranoia? Why are you so worried about someone showing up at a public place to check out your karaoke show? Do you think that I would go to the trouble to kick your <span style=font-size:10px><i>(@$%&#!)</i></span> because you called me a few names? LOL Karaoke is a hobby of mine. I have plenty of free time to learn new songs and surf the web for all things karaoke. I enjoy reading about other people's karaoke experiences. I also enjoy giving my opinions about karaoke on a karaoke FORUM.

a. The public square or marketplace of an ancient Roman city that was the assembly place for judicial activity and public business.
b. A public meeting place for open discussion.
c. A medium for open discussion or voicing of ideas, such as a newspaper, a radio or television program, or a website.
2. A public meeting or presentation involving a discussion usually among experts and often including audience participation.
3. A court of law; a tribunal.

You are on this Forum as much as anyone else, Tony, so why do you attack others for enjoying the site with an insult like "GET A LIFE". We all have lives and this Forum is just a part of those lives. Spending time checking this forum is no different than spending an hour watching your favorite TV show. People have various interests and for the people here, karaoke is a part of their lives; not their entire life. I enjoy reading this Forum and I do indeed have strong opinions on certain parts of the karaoke experience. Most businesses enjoy getting suggestions from their customers that might just improve their business. I suggested to a KJ recently that he should buy an A/B switch for his system so he wouldn't have to be swapping cables when he went from his PC to one of his CDG players when he had to play a customer's CD. I went to his show the following week and , lo and behold, he had himself an A/B switch and he loved how it made his system easier to use. Amazing how someone who is not a KJ could help someone who is, huh? Sometimes the customer is the one who comes up with the idea to make a show better because the customer sees the flaws where the KJ is too defensive to admit that he might be doing something wrong. Well, the sun is finally out so I'm gonna take the old laptop out in the yard and continue my web surfing while in the pool. See you soon, Tony. I'll be the guy singing Rosalita. :D

Bruce - If you want to come down to my show, that would be nice - I invited you once. I'm not paranoid or afraid of physical harm as you suggested that's the least of my worries. I think it was YOU who started the NAME calling by attacking the type of show I run ( or YOU THINK I RUN) ..So I'll be the first to apologize and say that this has gotten a little childish. And I also aplogize to the CUEBALL who I may have jumped on a little hastily. CUEBALL sorry !

I don't apologize to Knightshow :? 8) :lol:

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 12:52 pm 
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BruceFan4Life @ Thu Aug 06, 2009 1:06 pm wrote:
"A frequent flyer can not tell the pilot how to fly a plane even if they have been on a thousand flights."

great analogy!!! comparing being a KJ to being an airline pilot. :D :wink: :wink: :wink: Yeah! They need the identical set of skills for that. Controlling a multi million dollar piece of flying equipment is exactly the same thing as keeping 30 or 40 slips of paper in order while playing music at the same time. :D :D :D :D

How about a passenger in a TAXI being able to know that the guy driving the cab is doing a lousy job when he's following too closely or cutting in and out of traffic in a dangerous way. ....and I certainly know the difference between a good landing and a bumpy one. If the overhead compartments open up on their own because of a hard landing; I think I have the right to tell the pilot that he did a lousy job of landing the plane. A good pilot would just acknowledge the fact and apologize for the bumpy landing and tell the passenger that it was an exception and it wouldn't happen very often. I don't think he'd tell the passenger that he was an idiot and that he should shut up until he could do it better himself.

Didn't say that hosting was as complicated as flying but I have invested many years in practicing my craft and again I wouldn't expect you to understand that.
I'm quite sure you would be right up after the fasten seatbelt light goes off to tell the pilot he sucks and like many hosts of the shows you attend the pilot will be a happy camper when you have exited the plane shouting "I'll never fly this airline again".

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 1:08 pm 
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karaokeking211 @ August 6th 2009, 3:52 pm wrote:
BruceFan4Life @ Thu Aug 06, 2009 1:06 pm wrote:
"A frequent flyer can not tell the pilot how to fly a plane even if they have been on a thousand flights."

great analogy!!! comparing being a KJ to being an airline pilot. :D :wink: :wink: :wink: Yeah! They need the identical set of skills for that. Controlling a multi million dollar piece of flying equipment is exactly the same thing as keeping 30 or 40 slips of paper in order while playing music at the same time. :D :D :D :D

How about a passenger in a TAXI being able to know that the guy driving the cab is doing a lousy job when he's following too closely or cutting in and out of traffic in a dangerous way. ....and I certainly know the difference between a good landing and a bumpy one. If the overhead compartments open up on their own because of a hard landing; I think I have the right to tell the pilot that he did a lousy job of landing the plane. A good pilot would just acknowledge the fact and apologize for the bumpy landing and tell the passenger that it was an exception and it wouldn't happen very often. I don't think he'd tell the passenger that he was an idiot and that he should shut up until he could do it better himself.

Didn't say that hosting was as complicated as flying but I have invested many years in practicing my craft and again I wouldn't expect you to understand that.
I'm quite sure you would be right up after the fasten seatbelt light goes off to tell the pilot he sucks and like many hosts of the shows you attend the pilot will be a happy camper when you have exited the plane shouting "I'll never fly this airline again".

I have flown quite often in my life and I have never had a reason to complain about a pilot. I guess I've just been very lucky. I've only been delayed for de-icing once and I'm pretty sure that all of us on the plane were happy to wait the required amount of time to ensure a safe take-off. Everyone waited the same amount of time in that situation. :wink:

There are plenty of parts that go into be a KJ. Getting gigs, setting up and tearing down equipment, making song books, etc. The one specific past of being a KJ that I keep referring to is the actual running of the show after all of the other stuff has been taken care of. All the KJ has to do is make sure the song slips stay in the proper order so no one gets skipped and no one gets bumped ahead for any reason. I can't believe that it can be all that difficult. Maximum amount of slips for a 5 hour show would be about 70 slips. If you have 40 or 50 people in your rotation like someone has reported having; running the rotation should be even easier because you're only going to have one and a half rotations for the entire night. Let's face facts. The reason that KJ's like to make exceptions to a fair rotation is because they want to excercise their authority to make them feel like a big shot to someone. God forbid the poor KJ might have to say that he CAN'T Help out the poor little lady that just has to sing next. It would make him look powerless in the eyes of the damsel in distress. It's so much more of an ego boost to say "I am the KJ and I can do whatever I want at my show because it is my show and I don't care who gets pissed off and never comes back" as long as I get to feel like a BIG SHOT in front of a couple of people at my show who will think of me as their karaoke god. How sad!

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 1:23 pm 
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Might add that I tell my hosts One bribe and they are done.

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 1:26 pm 
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karyoker @ Thu Aug 06, 2009 4:23 pm wrote:
Might add that I tell my hosts One bribe and they are done.

Come on Ollie--you've been known to bump up a pretty little girl with some cleavage !!! :D :D :D :D

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 1:33 pm 
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Went in to work on a jukebox one time and this gal came over and started rubbing on me. Can we some some free songs? By the time I locked the jukebox I think I clicked the switch 53 times. next morning the boss said judy over at the sportsman said you gave them bunch of free music. Then laughed. I guess judy called him and was cracking up..LOL

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 1:42 pm 
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Another time I was pushing a pin ball machine into a strip joint. For some reason everybody including the stripper was watching me. I was looking at her and pushed the pinball into a wall. The stripper and the whole place was rolling on the floor. I talked to her later and we had a good laugh..

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 2:02 pm 
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personally i have no problem being bumped a spot sometimes...your talkin 4 min....not a real biggie to me...yet i do see some that watch the clock and count heads....our KJ is pretty laid back in that if ur leaving he will anounce that your leaving and he's getting u up....but you better leave...he gives plenty of time to get there if you don't know what song then he helps find it are another one...just no rush at all...yes less people get to sing over the period of a night but theres no stress either...runs pretty smoooth..would i take a bribe? hmmmmm yep...but i would let all know that i did, and each person would move back 1 spot meaning 4 min. longer they wait....again not the end of the world but then again i'm no KJ....i may pay the guy/girl underneath him half....i guess we're more laid back here i don't know...
i've been to other places out of state where its ...ok get outta my way let me sing kinda attitude....not into that....all in fun to me no biggie either way....

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 2:24 pm 
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Slightly more annoying than the custy that tries to bribe the Kj is the custy that thinks that just because they have been to 1000 karaoke nights that they are an expert on how to host.

This reminds me of people who watch "Law & Order" or "CSI" and all of a sudden have become "experts" on law enforcement. People like that used to tick me off, now I just laugh at them.

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