tovmod @ Wed Sep 16, 2009 3:38 pm wrote:
According to some of us, it isn't ALWAYS and ONLY about the singer's and how GOOD they sound!
And for those who believe it isn't primarily about the sound of the singers and that other elements are just as important or even more important in putting on a good show, then the sound system is not the critical element in producing an enjoyable, satisfying and financially successful show.
And if I am correct that the sound system is not the critical element, then a KJ who can do nothing more than harp about the propriety of their rotation and the quality of their equipment has nothing to offer those attending their shows who are unconcerned about the equipment or find it to be of lesser importance.
And if a KJ attracts only those looking for a good sound system, I'll take whoever is left that doesn't concentrate on the sound because they must be more interested in having a good time. And that group, I believe, describes most of the karaoke singing public! And it is that group that I most enjoy at my shows!
I don't believe there are too many KJs here that think the sound system isn't critical to their show or karaoke business. The only reason i became a KJ is because of the systems i did see and i knew i could do better and be better and make money doing it.
Does anyone seriously believe their sound system quality doesn't matter to their business? Would you down grade any part of it? Would you replace any part of it with cheaper equipment. If you started over today would you start with a lesser quality system?
The majority of my crowds come to sound good. Sounding better at my show makes them happy. Where does it equate that if the system sounds too good nobody has any fun?
So only bad sounding systems are fun? If i go out to sing and don't want to, where is the fun? If your idea to go out was to just get drunk as fast as you can, then you aren't worried about singing or sounding good and you probably don't care for karaoke to begin with. I don't run my show to cater to drunks that don't care. My show is geared for people that want to sound good. They still have fun. Nobody would go anywhere if they weren't having fun. It's just my idea of fun would be sounding good.
Does anyone hear have that much fun if the sound system sucks? Let's see the hands. Given the choice would you have more fun sounding good or bad? Everything else being equal. Same bar, same friends etc. Only difference being a good sound system or a bad one.
Let's define or try to, how many different styles or types of shows there are.
1. Serious KJs that take pride in their show and sound system and believes their singers should sound as good as possible.
2. KJs that have decent sound and a decent show.
3. KJs that have so so systems and care about their singers and don't know their system is so so.
4. KJs that have crap systems and don't care about anyone or anything but fun.
5. KJs that use dance music for whatever reason. Their singers take a back seat for some of the show.
6. KJs that have decent systems and want to enhance the singers with musical instrument interludes.
7. KJs without any clue that are happy if anyone shows up for any reason.
8. KJs that run consistant shows.
9. KJs that have no solid format.
10. One speaker KJs.
11. KJs that want to make it a real singing experience for the singers.
12. KJs that can build solid crowds.
13. KJs that kill crowds.
14. KJs that take bribes for rotation favors.
15. KJs that run fair rotations.
16. KJs that keep their library up to date.
17. KJs that don't want to spend money.
Add to it.