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 Post subject: Re: Smart Critters
PostPosted: Sun May 06, 2007 6:10 pm 
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Holy Xit !

I've heard of Coco,  but I know nothing about Coco.  THANKS !    I need to read this, I had no idea a chimp could "sign" over 1000 words.  I know adult primates have been known how to show their young how to sift sand out've certain food items.  Btw,  Did you ever hear anything about a certain species of animal (and I Don't recall which species it was, bird or monkey) nor do I recall if the hard-shelled fruit or nut they couldn't open was coconut, or just something like a walnut.. But there's some species of animal that has learned to throw their hardshelled covered nut (or even place it) in roadways because it knows car tires will squash the shell open,  when the animal needs a "tool" to open it's food.  LOL    Pretty clever.

Racoons although devious, are VERY resourceful, and smart.  I guess some of the Carnivores are, but not certain.


Scariest thing,  I clicked on the "about Gorillas" topic, and saw that picture of the Gorilla posing..  Well,  My buddy was one of Mike Tysons Atty's when Tyson lived in this area.   That photo of the Gorilla, showing the musculature of the chest, and even the facial structure...  Mike Tyson looks very similar  :shock:

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 Post subject: Re: Smart Critters
PostPosted: Sun May 06, 2007 6:18 pm 
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ROFLAO,  Cute eyes on that Kitty, and I love those budgies !   How's your little flock doing btw ?  How much does Millet Spray, and Cuttle bone run you a month  LOL.  I know you have about 6 ??  (is it) ?    You'll need a nesting accomodation soon.  Maybe even an incubator.

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 Post subject: Re: Smart Critters
PostPosted: Sun May 06, 2007 6:41 pm 
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Are chimps the closest primates to humans with close to 98% the same DNA ?  Or are gorillas as close ?   I really don't know the differences in primates..  Chimp, Gorilla, Orangetan, monkey..  I always thought they were all monkeys.  LOL.  I need to display something from this past week on America Online front news about a european Zoo that has asked spectators to not make eye-contact with their chimps if possible..  Interesting !

Don't stare at the apes, zoo tells visitors
By Martin Banks
Last Updated: 1:15am BST 16/04/2007

Most people visit zoos to see the animals - but visitors to Antwerp Zoo in Belgium are being told not to look at the apes.

Instead, visitors are now confronted with signs telling them that making prolonged eye contact with the apes leaves them sad and withdrawn. Zoo staff reckon staring can result in the creatures becoming less sociable.

A spokesman said: "We are saying to visitors that, if our apes hold eye contact with them, then they should look away for a bit or take a step back. Our evidence shows that chimpanzees and other apes who have a lot of contact with visitors apparently tend to isolate themselves from their companions over the course of time."


But the policy has bemused some zoo-goers, who while used to signs asking them not to feed the animals, are now wondering if this is taking animal welfare a step too far.

Dirk Woldt, a teacher visiting the zoo with his family, said: "When we saw the signs, we thought it was a joke.

"The next thing you know, they'll be having to counsel the apes."  

(seems if zoologists make a determination for the welfare of the animals, which most know are a social species of animal.. People that visit the animals should not question it.)    JMO..

Makes sense that some chimps have been brought up around people too, and bond with them.  Even birds do this..  I remember when young a lady was trying to bring her domesticated Pet duck to a large pond to socialize it to other ducks, I suppose she wanted to return it to the wild where she felt it would be better off..

The bird kept chasing her back to her car screaming...  THing had wicked separation anxiety..  Animals and people can bond, and I suppose when this happens it hinders their natural behaviour with their species.

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 Post subject: Re: Smart Critters
PostPosted: Wed May 09, 2007 10:49 am 
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I really enjoyed all the clips. What would we do without youtube?

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 Post subject: Re: Smart Critters
PostPosted: Sat Jun 02, 2007 8:15 am 
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You Tube is only one of many similar sites now-adays.  Flurl is another active site. When you click on many of these little movies they forward you to numerous other sites as well that have the same features.  IF however you don't wish for a deluge of adult material put your family filter on.

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 Post subject: Re: Smart Critters
PostPosted: Mon Jul 30, 2007 8:28 am 
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Anyone have any new smart critters ?   It'd be ashame to let this thread fall away IMHO


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 Post subject: Re: Smart Critters
PostPosted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 12:54 pm 
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Hey Steve, you wanna know about a smart parrot???  Just ask Vicki about the Kea!

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 Post subject: Re: Smart Critters
PostPosted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 6:53 pm 
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Vicki,  Tell me about the Kea ?

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 Post subject: Re: Smart Critters
PostPosted: Fri Sep 28, 2007 1:28 pm 
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This I find VERY VERY sad.  I was following these studies.  You recall about 8 months back we were discussing Alex ?

http://www.nytimes.com/2007/09/11/scien ... ei=5087%0A

Even up through last week, Alex was working with Dr. Pepperberg on compound words and hard-to-pronounce words. As she put him into his cage for the night last Thursday, she recalled, Alex looked at her and said: “You be good, see you tomorrow. I love you.”

He was found dead in his cage the next morning, Dr. Pepperberg said.

How tragic  :(    AFrican greys generally live MUCH longer than 31 I thought.

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 Post subject: Re: Smart Critters
PostPosted: Fri Sep 28, 2007 1:35 pm 
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Milo,  sad day in avian behavioural areas.  I wonder how many will turn up for Alex's funeral, you can be certain they'll have one.  This bird was internationally renowned !  Quite the scholar Alex was !  If nothing else to express condolences to Irene Pepperberg the owner for 31 years... THIS must be tough !  The bird was her life.  I'd think he'd have shown signs of illness though ?  SUdden virus ?   THey'd have known ?   31 for a grey ?   THat's not old at all.... I wonder what happened.. MY god,  If it negligence, a draft, food poisoning, smoke or odor related there's going to be much dissension

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 Post subject: Re: Smart Critters
PostPosted: Sat Sep 29, 2007 3:31 pm 
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Even up through last week, Alex was working with Dr. Pepperberg on compound words and hard-to-pronounce words. As she put him into his cage for the night last Thursday, she recalled, Alex looked at her and said: “You be good, see you tomorrow. I love you.”

He was found dead in his cage the next morning, Dr. Pepperberg said.

Aww.... this is VERY sad. :(

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 Post subject: Re: Smart Critters
PostPosted: Sat Sep 29, 2007 3:44 pm 
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Yes it is.  I didn't think 31 was any older for an African Grey Parrot than it is for us.  They live longer than us in many cases.

I don't like to think this way, but I'd think Dr Pepperton would've KNOWN VERY WELL if Alex was ill prior to going to bed.. and while I'm no Avian expert by any stretch of the imagination sudden death in bird is often attributed to toxicity from fumes and certain elements they are VERY intolerant of.  I wonder if Alex was in a lab where nearby teflon was over-heated of something like that.. I wonder if they'd divulge that assuming it was human era.. Don't know

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 Post subject: Re: Smart Critters
PostPosted: Sat Sep 29, 2007 10:43 pm 
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Yes it is.  I didn't think 31 was any older for an African Grey Parrot than it is for us.  They live longer than us in many cases.

i've always read where they can live to be 80 or older, although i just now saw in an article about alex the average lifespan is 50....

birds will hide any illnesses they have because in the wild a sick or injured bird is a prime target for a predator...usually when you can tell a parrot is sick it's too late...there are signs though if you know what to look for and i can't imagine that irene pepperberg wouldn't know this...i'm very certain that she would

according to the vet who conducted the necropsy on alex there was no obvious cause of death...i wonder if it could have been a heart attack or something though surely that would have shown up...i think it's very strange they didn't find anything...

anyway, as we've already talked about, it was such a sad thing to have happened... :(

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 Post subject: Re: Smart Critters
PostPosted: Sat Sep 29, 2007 11:12 pm 
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31 is very young for a bird like Alex, Poor bird probably just got sick of trying to show stupid people how intelligent parrots actual are.  Can you imagine being as smart as Alex was,  and having to sit around watching people playing with colored shapes asking you where they should go, while talking like babies all day ?  Bird probably was starving for some intellectual discourse on something like relativity and all he got exposure to was people playing with toys suited for a kindergarten-aged kid..  Regarding those other birds he mentored.. Probably just sat around telling them how slow and boring humans are.  My guess is Alex died of boredom.  He was hoping he could eventually train Irene Pepperton to be so much more than she turned out to be since they were in kindergarten together years back..

Can't figure this out either.  I thought Alex was in University of New Mexico or Arizona.  According to latest articles Pepperberg and Alex were at Brandeis in Mass ?

When, in 1977, Dr. Pepperberg, then a doctoral student in chemistry at
Harvard, bought Alex from a pet store

I didn't know she owned the bird, I thought she was working with the bird, and Alex was owned by a larger group, or university. Seriously though.  Dr Pepperberg must've been shocked to find Alex dead,  how horrible for her !  This bird was a close companion for 30 years. Alex was HER identity !

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