There are other forums. Isn't there a KJ forum as well ? When people have a karaoke related question, they ask it in here. Usually somebody responds with an ON-Topic answer, if enough are interested, the karaoke related subject matter goes unimpeded as well much of the time even in here. My own feeling is that people are going to complain regardless of what is done. If it's not related to subject content, it will be rank, if not rank, something else such as repetitive questions about karaoke related content. There are topic areas here. If people want to stop posting and chill out for awhile, let them. If people want to quit, they will. While 30% might despise something, 70% are having a blast. Some complaining stopped posting (as frequently) a long time ago because of other situations. This appears to be getting blown out've proportion. It appears some just love to hang in to let others know that they don't approve of their inanity too, THAT seems to get them chatting about NON-Karaoke related content however. Why is that ? Because some are happy complaining, and just really don't have as much to discuss. So ? Live and let live isn't a bad idea. Who here has been deprived of having a Karaoke related question, or topic answered ? totally ignored for the duration of a thread they made a Karaoke related original post on ? When somebody has a karaoke related topic, it's brought up, and it's usually addressed, I don't see anybody :getting deprived: The fact that after a period of time things go off on tangents. It'll happen, Ask again LOL .. Someone will address it. People don't seem not to like talking about karaoke and singing related content, It's just that like in a bar environment, as adults get to know one-another there's more in life they like to chat about.. If KS doesn't want this to transpire, they wouldn't have given this forum the description :talk about almost anything: without specifying "Karaoke related". Many topic forums grant the members a lounge type room for general chatter. To complain one exists in here just seems strange. There's Tech forum, KJ forum, and other rooms as well people can join.
But if forming another room is a logical solution, that's fine, but do you really believe THAT will stop the whining ? Some aren't happy unless they have stuff to complain about.
I mean, if we stuck only to Karaoke in these forums, the traffic would cut by half or more.
and I'm willing to bet the negative aspects, and whining and complaining would increase, not taper off. In "Karaoke related" content areas, How many times have the same ridiculous :legality: issues gotten kicked around by individuals that have no background in Patent and Copyright law ? How many arguments have generated from just that area ? It'll always be something. A new KJ comes along, 4 older KJ's want to keep him in his place. Personality issues which are a big cause of most dissention happen despite room content. I don't understand what the problem is with a "discussion room" ? Who is getting deprived ? If people opt to control a site, or forum, it's been said. "Start your own forum someplace". If you don't like we gossipping old ladies, don't admit us. Chances are we won't wish to join you anyway <shrug> What some of you want is fewer posts, less content, hence fewer members. That's what this gets down to. How does that benefit Karaoke Scenes membership base ? Check some of the content last October, and November. People were bored and leaving because :Nobody talks or socializes around here anymore:, the "Good old days" were described as the :fun chatter:, and as soon as the fun chatter returned, people started complaining that :the fun chatter is inane:, and THEY didn't like it. It's really ludicrous. You won't please a whole site of people ever. How can you ? Adding another forum is going to do it ? Nah. I seriously doubt it.
There were a few karaoke related threads. I started one about the Rsq 222, and Pioneer drop-tray unit.. What's going on in the marketing world today regarding players ? and people discussed computer vs older technology. We talk about karaoke related stuff. Is it possible that not as much karaoke related content is discussed because there's just a finite amount of Karaoke related stuff people can discuss without burn-out setting in ? Think about it.. Is going around in circles more fun than freedom to chat about whatever people wish to discuss, similarly, others ignoring whatever they wish not to discuss ?
Restrict this discussion forum, and you kill some of the interest in this site. Obviously this is what people are enjoying, look at this forums clip, vs Singers vs Tech forum.. This is where people hang. WHY is that ? The truth speaks for itself.