well this is a Hoot .... and Hmmn cute puppy or not LOL I would smack him too ..

Now on to the ranking BS on SS ... After 2 Days here ... backa few months ago I suddenly realized hey this is BS .. I gave someone a 9 he comes to me and ask me if I am sure ..

I said yes and was generous on the 9 and pointed out why..

Well he was so upset with a " ranking that I just eleminated the 9 ..and was a no Comment .. then a little later quit letting my songs get ranked too .. for hey I don't need any perosn to tell me I can sing ...

All my life I have sang in Church, in the back yard, in the service and then discovered karaoke ..and its neat ...to have music to stuff I have alwasys just sang without music. So that all being said ..
Nothing wrong with a critque .. even an honest one ..... but how you go about it is in my point of view a different stroy .. and to each his own ... I have heard many songs that I thought good god do they realize what they have posted ..and then every comment was bla bla bla ....

so I migh say good song ...which hey it was .. and then proceed to pm them about it ... sma with sharing info about FREE software for a newbie to actually record with and change their bitrate or to make a mon recording a stereo one ... all behind the scenes .and its neat to see the different a little help can make ..
And Billy .. on Songs that are your "Turf" well man no body in my eyes can touch ya ... but on some hey even you or even I might not really do that good of a job .... now am I gonna say something about it to ya .. not a word unless really bad ..., but if a problem or error on the song hey yeppers will touch base with you .. and if not what I like to hear from you or anyone else well will wait ..

and this is me knowing I too can not sing every damn thing perfect and don't expect too ...
I am untrained in singing, music, etc ... but can hear heart, feelinge emotions melody .... etc and know when someone is capable of much better or if that might be all they can do .. and i use my comments accordingly .. taking into account where they live, their age, other songs they have posted etc ... and I have seen some really be handled pretty rough ... (Not saying this fella was ... cause hey he did ask and there as some that are asking that really don't want to hear ..or don't have a clue ..and that is kinda sad)
Now all that being said .. I will just pop back out of this conversation and go sing me some blues ..and learn a little richard song or too ..and you guys can carry on .. I love to hear each of you that I know and that being Billy, Milo , Ms Rita.. as for a few and nothing but a thing ..
ps .. just for info the fella is a real newbie ... as to music recording and will be learning a little more about it .. since he now has links to a resourse ...as to his singing .. well on that song in our bar hey that would have been well received .. do I think it was a 10 ..

why no way ...

a 7 maybe .. but I am not into or gonna get into ranking .. but hey you nail one and I think you will know I think you did ..

: Unless I am behind on listens like I am now and just listening and throwing down a blerrp ..

have a great night .. see ya all on the other side of this deal ..... I only venture in to the forums when I am caught up and looking for information ....