As most of you know I have been extremely busy lately with creating new features and updating a few others for this site. I have not been updating the Club Directory for awhile and I apologize to everyone for the delays.
I will get to these this week! Also, I am currently developing some new features for the Club Directory and hopefully within the next few weeks this will be implemented.
Here are a few of the features that I plan:
1. All new Club Directory submissions will be entered by registered users of the forums. This way anyone who submits an entry can update it.
2. All states, will be able to have moderators. Those who request to be moderators will be able to update any entry within that state.
3. When searching for venues all entries will not only have a dropdown selection for Country & State, but also the City. This way ONLY those cities that have venues listed in them will be displayed. Also, this will help with searching so that you don't accidently misspell the city name.
Unfortuantely trying to divise a map to show listed venues is time consuming and expensive. But I will look into incorporating something - this will take time so don't expect this anytime soon
BTW - Capt Midnight, penn65000, and Lil_Mike I will add you to the Club Moderators list.
I would like to thank everyone for the contributions and welcome the assistance of any who wish to join us in keeping Karaoke Scene updated.
Thank you,
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