Toastedmuffin wrote:
WOW I'm lost here, I completely don't understand the fee structure....
$50/system so you have a paper that that says we wont sue you... and your registered
$250/system for an actual audit that says we wont sue you.. and your certified.
Is there a benefit to being certified over registered? What (if any) are they?
Certification gets you more than just a covenant not to sue--you will get an actual trademark license that will allow you to market your services as "Chartbuster Certified," and you will gain eligibility (with certain restrictions) for SC ADVANCE and for Phoenix Prime.
If you are already SC Certified, the audit price will be $150/system for the CB audit, and if you want to get both at once, you get a similar price break ($400/system for both instead of $500).
Toastedmuffin wrote:
What happens when/if we buy more CB items int he future? Is there yet an additional fee? How much? Or is these fees 'lifetime' registered/certified.
You'll need to update your registration or certification anytime your holdings increase by 2% (as of now; we're considering loosening that out a bit), but it won't cost anything. Registration and certification are both considered permanent as long as you follow the terms of the agreement.
Toastedmuffin wrote:
Also in regards to people who have been or in process of being sued... whats THAT policy?
We have not yet begun to sue anyone for infringement of the CHARTBUSTER KARAOKE trademarks. There were a handful of suits pending with the former owner as plaintiff, but I believe all of those have now been resolved.
Toastedmuffin wrote:
As we have all been saying on this board, CB HAS been media shifted by the old company before it went out of business. SD Cards, Hard Drives, SCDGs... you can own a ton of CB without you ever buying an actual CD. Just seeing no CDs on hand at a show is not a definite "Pirate" as far as CB is concerned. So how will you address that problem? I'd hate to hear that its going to be sue 1st, find out later.
First, we're fully aware that the old CB sold tracks on media other than CDs. With SC, we have always known that "original media" means "CD+G disc." With CB, "original media" can mean something else, and that's OK. We are developing procedures for our investigators to follow to account for the differences. But one of the most important things we're doing is making sure that there is a procedure to register your original CB media--regardless of what format it's in--so we can at least identify people who have shown us their original media and avoid suing them.
(By the way, our process has never been "just seeing no CDs on hand at a show," even for SC.)
When the registration system opens (hopefully around 1/1), we'll be offering a coupon code that will make registration even cheaper than it already is for a period of time.
Toastedmuffin wrote:
How long of a time frame are you providing for people to get right with this? I'd also hate to think 2 weeks after this announcement we are going to see our 1st lawsuit.
We plan to wait for a significant period of time, maybe as much as 3 months, before we begin any suits on CB, to give people the opportunity to register and to get their systems in order. We're going to take steps to publicize the new process as best we can, and I would encourage everyone to spread the word to people who may not frequent boards like this. We'll send out messages to our mailing list, and we'll also ask Digitrax to do the same. Even after that time has passed, we will probably only bring CB claims as add-ons to an SC suit for some time, so that we're not actually suing anyone who wouldn't be sued anyway.
Toastedmuffin wrote:
Finally, what steps are you guys taking to announce these policy changes? I think a post here and there on karaoke boards is just not enough. I only found this place because I was looking for information is regards to something else. There will be many people caught in the web simply because Sound Choice until recently has NEVER been involved with Chart Buster product.
That's a fair comment, and it's something we're working on. We do genuinely want people who have original media to speak up about what they have and to get their original media registered.
We're putting together a web-based registration system that will be easy for people to use. Ideally, we'd like the registration process to take a KJ no more than about half an hour, including gathering and photographing original media, supplying certificates, uploading the information, and supplying us with some basic identity information.
Toastedmuffin wrote:
I've said it before, and I'll say it again, I completely understand why you go after SC product... but Chart Buster is a whole and completely different animal, and after reading this, seems much harder to prove who is legit or not. I just feel this is a horrible move on your end.
You're entitled to your opinion, and believe me, we understand where you're coming from. However, we think it's very important to the industry that Chartbuster not become "freeware." The CB catalog is full of top-quality product--not every song, of course, but still-good, still-usable product. Legitimate hosts, who paid many thousands of dollars for their music, should not be forced to compete against pirate operators who paid little or nothing. We don't know of a good way to prevent that from happening except to buy the brand and enforce it ourselves, so that's what we're doing.
Because we have less invested in the CB brand, however, we are going to be much more flexible than we would be with the SC brand. The standard of proof for being legit will be much less, at least for registration, than we would accept for SC.