knightshow wrote:
well, here's something that's BAD about Sax & Dotty's:
If you install it on a hard drive, and you have a problem and need to reinstall it on another hard drive, you'll need ANOTHER key... no biggie USUALLY. But my friend Doug told me that S & D are now making people pay for that next key, even if you are a fully licensed key holder... they have no ways of keeping people from installing them on multiple computers otherwise.
What you might not be aware of is that the previous version of S&D relied upon a well known authentication mechanism to remove the time limitation (trial). As the product gained popularity it was of course cracked and that 'crack' posted to the internet. When your software that charge very little for is suddenly available to anyone for free it's likely to make you unhappy. Likely as a result of the crack posting there were changes made and the post below (quoted from S&D's website):
"If you have installed any version of Sax & Dottys Show Hoster before this release, we recommend that you upgrade to version V2.1.34 immediately. Please be aware that a reimport of tracks will be needed after install and also a re-registration. Please see the downloads page."
Remember, this is speculation on my part, but I see updates often after a 'crack' becomes available for software. Given the low price for S&D it's a shame that anyone would resort to stealing the software. I'm still reviewing different pieces of software and hardware that would be best for my application and stumbed on the crack for S&D's previous release.
BTW, I do pay for my software and music... I do network/computer security work for a living and knowledge of the 'darkside' is a necessity...