For clarification; The reason JustKaraoke is only $25 is because it is our starter package - yes, our
STARTER package. You are all comparing the top products of the competitors to our lowest product

. As much as I appreciate you all comparing it to the big boys, the real product that introduced all the advanced hosting features since 7 years ago is Swift Elite 4. And if you need to compare todays products, you would compare to atleast the mid-range Swift Elite 4 LITE -- And yes, it had all the features of scrolling text, slideshow, skinnable interface, and much more. But if price is really not not an issue (as one of you described) then atleast focus on the medium entry product rather than the starter. Or step back and understand this is as "Starter" product which out prices and out features the top-end products of the competitors, so if you have to compare stop and realize this or move up to the mid-level product. We have a free player that does more then most of these.
Updates for all our products are announced on the support forum. All you do is download the latest from the website and install on-top of your existing to take advantage of latest features.
Sorry Danny for posting after your post, this is for the others to realize this.