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PostPosted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 5:48 am 
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sw00000p @ Sun Oct 18, 2009 6:20 pm wrote:
ReadyTeddy @ Sun Oct 18, 2009 2:55 pm wrote:
Thank you to everyone who provided tips. I am going to play around with some of aforementioned packages and see what they can do. From what I have read they may get me there. One thing I neglected to mention I was looking for in all of this is the ability to change some of the lyrics in existing songs so I can customize them to the event.

Any other advise is always appreciated...

Changing Existing Lyrics:
Unless you a "Seasoned Vet" like Sir Weedy...
Start Tappin and create a new compilation!

The Cdgfix help files ARE NOT COMPLETED YET!
Personally, I Never use Cdgfix to change lyrics.
It's Much Easier and Quicker to create a new disc.

I noticed that the help files are missing some sections and there are no screen shots to help explain the functionality of the Timeline feature. Does anyone know if when cdgfix pulls in the cdg stream, what gets rendered in the Timeline? I am wondering if it shows the lyrics to you or if it's just a bunch of graphical data.

I am hoping it some how renders the lyrics in text format but the more I read about the file format the less I think that is likely. If all I get is the timing and no text based lyrics to out put, you are right - probably easier to just start from scratch.

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 6:16 am 
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sw00000p @ Sun Oct 18, 2009 6:20 pm wrote:
ReadyTeddy @ Sun Oct 18, 2009 2:55 pm wrote:
Thank you to everyone who provided tips. I am going to play around with some of aforementioned packages and see what they can do. From what I have read they may get me there. One thing I neglected to mention I was looking for in all of this is the ability to change some of the lyrics in existing songs so I can customize them to the event.

Any other advise is always appreciated...

Changing Existing Lyrics:
Unless you a "Seasoned Vet" like Sir Weedy...
Start Tappin and create a new compilation!

The Cdgfix help files ARE NOT COMPLETED YET!
Personally, I Never use Cdgfix to change lyrics.
It's Much Easier and Quicker to create a new disc.


btw sw00000p - when you create a new track from scratch what tools do you use? Curious if there are some that I still need to check out. And thanks again for the advice and assistance.

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 7:31 pm 
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Dr Fred @ Thu Oct 15, 2009 3:21 pm wrote:
I have done a moderate number of songs.

However my time to do a song well involves listening to the song several times to get the lyrics right. That may take on average 30-60 minutes for song depending on complexity and length.

With an average 4 minute song just listening to it about 6 times. A couple times to familiarize with the song and verify the correctness of the lyrics text file, even if you know it already (songs with 5+ repeats of a phrase in a row are especially difficult to verify), once to vocal remove, once to add the lyrics and a couple times to verify/edit the lyrics placement.

That comes to at best 2 songs per hour.

Even at minimum wage that is about $4 a song. So unless you have a lot of idle time, buying commercial karaoke songs is better unless the song is not made commercially.

So if there was an opportunity to do this that paid $8-$10 a song would there be a group of people out there that would be willing an able to do it? Keeping in mind that what I am looking for in the way out output is an enhanced LRC file with the timing and the lyric in a text file like Media Commands outputs - not a graphics file.

Or if someone can figure out how to full the necessary timing data out of a cdg stream and marry it with text based lyrics in a text file that would be an option as well. But I need something that is scalable either by using technology or, harnessing the power of a few people who know how to do this efficiently.

If anyone is interested shoot me an email: readyteddy2000 at yahoo.com

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 8:09 pm 
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why do you need to get the lyric to be in text file when Media Commands can read CDG?

I can neither confirm nor deny ever having or knowing anything about nothing.... mrscott

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 9:35 pm 
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Jian @ Mon Oct 19, 2009 8:09 pm wrote:
why do you need to get the lyric to be in text file when Media Commands can read CDG?

Jian, thanks for your patience if this is a silly question. I want to output the lyrics into an enhanced LRC text file b/c that is what I need for the import end of what I am doing. The text files I am creating are very small vs. the cdg files and in my application that matters.

From what I have read, Media Command can read in cdg but does it pull in the lyrics as well? I was under the impression the cdg was a pixel based format and that the lyrics couldn't be read straight from the cdg file - you just get the pixel data that represents the screen rendering of the lyrics. Am I missing something?

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 10:39 pm 
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My impression is that you are using Media Commands as your hosting program. and if that is so why don't you just try it out with cdg files? The graphic in the cdg files are not the best but it is the standard at the moment and there are tons of songs that are available in that format. This is the only advantage of cdg. use Mc to overlay the vid file on to the cdg graphic. If you need to change the lyric use MC producer tool.
The end result is more important than how you get there.

I can neither confirm nor deny ever having or knowing anything about nothing.... mrscott

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 5:19 pm 
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I can understand why your seeking to find someone 'Dumb' enough to extract lyrics timing for you. The Pro's would charge you Double, some even Triple of what your offering. I wouldn't do it for $20 a song!

Ever wonder why Media Command is perhaps the Only one that uses lyrics timing?
Now your stuck with the 'Slow, Pain-Staking' process!

To the best of my knowledge, Cdgfix DOES NOT export lyrics timing in a txt format.

For Custom Karaoke Videos I use:
* CDGFix
* Karaoke Builder Studios
* Adobe Premiere


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