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Do you plan to add SPRING AWAKING to your karaoke collection?
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 1:29 pm 
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Buying new releases and adding to your library is ALL ABOUT buying what gets sung. To make purchases SOLEY because it's NEW or because you're worried that the GUY down the street "HAS IT" is crazy

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 2:25 pm 
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Lone Wolf @ Mon Oct 12, 2009 7:22 am wrote:
I'm gonna have to side with Lonnie on this one although I do have a couple of the basics in my library.

There is a gal at one of the venues I visit and she does "All That Jazz" every time, even though she has a great voice and can really belt it out the song makes no sense to me and is lonnnnnnnnnnnnnng and borrrrrrrrrrrrrrrring.

Again I have some of the basics as well, but rarely do they get done. Music Of The Night actually is probably the one that gets done the most & usually done very well, but it's rare.

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 2:29 pm 
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jamkaraoke @ Mon Oct 12, 2009 2:29 pm wrote:
Buying new releases and adding to your library is ALL ABOUT buying what gets sung. To make purchases SOLEY because it's NEW or because you're worried that the GUY down the street "HAS IT" is crazy

Completely agree, plus the fact that what works down the street may be totally opposite of what will work or be wanted in the club next door. If people want something - get it, if it includes showtunes, then that's what you get. Obviously Bob has a large showtune type singing crowd, that's what they want & like, so that's what he gets for them - at least that's what I assume, you have to cater to your demographic audience.

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 9:59 pm 
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Lonman @ Mon Oct 12, 2009 4:29 pm wrote:
jamkaraoke @ Mon Oct 12, 2009 2:29 pm wrote:
Buying new releases and adding to your library is ALL ABOUT buying what gets sung. To make purchases SOLEY because it's NEW or because you're worried that the GUY down the street "HAS IT" is crazy

Completely agree, plus the fact that what works down the street may be totally opposite of what will work or be wanted in the club next door. If people want something - get it, if it includes showtunes, then that's what you get. Obviously Bob has a large showtune type singing crowd, that's what they want & like, so that's what he gets for them - at least that's what I assume, you have to cater to your demographic audience.

No I dont have a large showtune crowd I want to offer some of everything that is out there..I have spanish..who knows I might throw in some German.... most not all karaoke show are basiclly the same song wise...with a few differances but ..I want to stand apart from the others so if they want to sing something different then it will draw them..if i could only get my hands on some GREASE 2..oh well

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 5:06 am 
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Lonman @ Mon Oct 12, 2009 5:29 pm wrote:
jamkaraoke @ Mon Oct 12, 2009 2:29 pm wrote:
Buying new releases and adding to your library is ALL ABOUT buying what gets sung. To make purchases SOLEY because it's NEW or because you're worried that the GUY down the street "HAS IT" is crazy

Completely agree, plus the fact that what works down the street may be totally opposite of what will work or be wanted in the club next door. If people want something - get it, if it includes showtunes, then that's what you get. Obviously Bob has a large showtune type singing crowd, that's what they want & like, so that's what he gets for them - at least that's what I assume, you have to cater to your demographic audience.

ding ding ding..Winner

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 11:38 am 
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jamkaraoke @ Tue Oct 13, 2009 7:06 am wrote:
Lonman @ Mon Oct 12, 2009 5:29 pm wrote:
jamkaraoke @ Mon Oct 12, 2009 2:29 pm wrote:
Buying new releases and adding to your library is ALL ABOUT buying what gets sung. To make purchases SOLEY because it's NEW or because you're worried that the GUY down the street "HAS IT" is crazy

Completely agree, plus the fact that what works down the street may be totally opposite of what will work or be wanted in the club next door. If people want something - get it, if it includes showtunes, then that's what you get. Obviously Bob has a large showtune type singing crowd, that's what they want & like, so that's what he gets for them - at least that's what I assume, you have to cater to your demographic audience.

ding ding ding..Winner


why limit your singers???...so they dont ask for it..it doesnt mean it wont get done....having a wider selections can only help you show...but when some takes your show away from you or your singers go somewhere else then you can only blame yourself.

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 12:17 pm 
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You make some vaild points -- You keep buying every disc released just "because" you want to have it. I can't argue with you. For me the wise business decision is knowing my singers and acting quickly to add requested titles. Now of course I am talking about the obescure generes. I will add the TOP pop and country titles by either purchasing a complete disc or downloading the hottest titles only.

I'll ask you directly again--using your business logic is there a song or disc you don't buy ? You must have every song ever produced on Karaoke ? If not ...WHY NOT?

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 12:57 pm 
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jamkaraoke @ Tue Oct 13, 2009 1:17 pm wrote:
You make some vaild points -- You keep buying every disc released just "because" you want to have it. I can't argue with you. For me the wise business decision is knowing my singers and acting quickly to add requested titles.

It is a valid point, when I first started out i'd try to get everything that came out, it was a little easier then - only a few manus at the time, only to find that the discs would never get used or on the RARE occasion they'd get sung by someone. The crowds would look at the new list & say hmmm, lot's of 'filler' music here, but nothing 'killer'! Around 96-97 is when I really started listening to what people that frequented my shows wanted, the crowds became much bigger after that. Not saying it's wrong to buy for the hopes that it MIGHT be sung in the future, just not my choice either. I will & continue to get what people want to sing - IMO it's money much better spent.

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 1:27 pm 
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[quote="jamkaraoke @ Tue Oct 13, 2009 2:17 pm"]You make some vaild points -- You keep buying every disc released just "because" you want to have it. I can't argue with you. For me the wise business decision is knowing my singers and acting quickly to add requested titles. Now of course I am talking about the obescure generes. I will add the TOP pop and country titles by either purchasing a complete disc or downloading the hottest titles only.

I'll ask you directly again--using your business logic is there a song or disc you don't buy ? You must have every song ever produced on Karaoke ? If not ...WHY NOT?[/quote)

I wish I had every song out there but Im trying...LOL...but the word is trying.....if I only went by request I would have never gotten..Crazy (@$%&#!)..Sorry or others but they get done..going by only costumers request can get you spending money on songs maybe done by them only or they quit after a few times doing it.. talk about a waste of money....I base my selections mostly..on the Billboard charts and others

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 1:37 pm 
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I think it's like what most of us did at the beginning. Buy almost every cdg in sight you could get your hands on to offer to your singers. Seems reasonable at first. But then...

You eventually end up with a 5 pound book of 600 pages that breaks your back, takes forever to read and costs more money to reprint, only to have a fraction of them ever sung.

People with families, kids, motrgages, college payments, health insurance etc. learn to reinvest their money back into their business in other forms (better sound, mics, subs) or into their families where it's needed the most.

I am editing and reprinting books this week. My yound ADHD singers say they would rather see in the front of my books a list of: (on seperate pages)

The top 100 Most Requested Songs overall
top 100 Country
tiop 100 Hip Hop
top 100 Duets
top 100 Classic Rock
top 100 80's songs
top 100 Oldies
top 100 Modern Rock songs

naturally it will make it easier for them and us to look up songs. The rest of the book will list everything of course, just the first few pages will have these few additional lists.

I will continue to announce "IF you don't see a song in the books you'd like to sing, we may have it in our master book, just ask us."

We don't get asked by many people as most people pick from the book. The more discerning singer might ask for a Broadway, Musical, TV Theme, or an obscure song, but it doesn't happen very often enough to warrant carrying large books that take up a lot of space.

I am saving 40 pages just by editing out the "international music" section removing the rarely performed Spanish, Portugese, French, Italian, Filipino, and African songs. Out Of ANYWHERE in the United States, Hawaii gets the most culturally diverse vistors from around the globe DAILY, but these genres of songs almost never get touched on or requested.

When all is said and done, i believe i'll be able to offer 4 more books to my singers. A smarter investment in time, service, and money for me. -just a thought.

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 1:57 pm 
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GeminiMALE40 @ Tue Oct 13, 2009 2:27 pm wrote:
I wish I had every song out there but Im trying...LOL...but the word is trying.....if I only went by request I would have never gotten..Crazy <span style=font-size:10px><i>(@$%&#!)</i></span>..Sorry or others but they get done..going by only costumers request can get you spending money on songs maybe done by them only or they quit after a few times doing it.. talk about a waste of money....I base my selections mostly..on the Billboard charts and others

Wow I had a ton of requests for Crazy B & Sorry - however our club prohibits any song with profanity, so I lost out on that one, but Sorry - I got a bunch of requests & it got done not only by the requestors but by others. Also, often I will get a disc for a request & other songs on the disc are also done. No waste of money. Billboard charts are usually (as a rule) what the monthly releases like from Chartbuster/Pop Hits etc. put out, which I got on subscription as well. It is no more a waste of money when you think about it to buy something your customers actually want to sing (even if it is only one regular) as opposed to discs with songs to just have in your book to offer & you HOPE someone will sing them??? :roll:

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 2:03 pm 
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I hate show tunes, I don't want them sung at my karaoke nights. I most certainly will not add anyhting like this to my collection.

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 3:03 pm 
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lyquiddye @ Tue Oct 13, 2009 4:03 pm wrote:
I hate show tunes, I don't want them sung at my karaoke nights. I most certainly will not add anyhting like this to my collection.

It not about what you want as a KJ..if thats the case you should stay home and do karaoke by yourself...also it your loss is all I can say

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 7:10 pm 
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dang... keep it nice and positive guys... there are no mean trolls here anymore.. :D

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 14, 2009 1:37 am 
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sorry your right...ok

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 14, 2009 6:32 am 
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There is no RIGHT or WRONG way to purchase additions to your library it's a personal business choice so no arguments here . Again for me as a KJ who works part time / 1 gig per week ( BY CHOICE) . Buying discs/songs that I consider obscure for my VENUE is crazy. I'll usually by the TOP hits that are getting RADIO playtime. Crazy Biyatch was one of them. And if I had some singers that requested show tunes ..I would get them too. But not usually.

The "thought" that someone who buys everything is a better KJ or runs a better show is a little ridiculous . The size of your library is just one aspect of a show.
I think if a show has every song that would be cool!!...but not better !

I want more LIVE renditions of songs ...SPICE THINGS UP A BIT !!

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 14, 2009 4:24 pm 
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Im sorry if I have to disagree..no offense but as a KJ ...a KJ who has a little bit of everything..is better off.....you never know what people will sing....it maybe all country one night..and the next hip hop..but when you limit your selection then you limit your singers...I never had anyone ask for ONE SONG GLORY from "RENT" but it get done..no one vcan make anyone buy stuff they dont want but if you expand your collection then you give your singers a chance to do stuff that might not be asked for

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 14, 2009 5:36 pm 
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If asked for it I would get it, but until that happpens I'll pass.

The Line Array Experiment is over. Nothing to see here. Move along.

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 14, 2009 7:57 pm 
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GeminiMALE40 @ Wed Oct 14, 2009 5:24 pm wrote:
Im sorry if I have to disagree..no offense but as a KJ ...a KJ who has a little bit of everything..is better off.....you never know what people will sing....it maybe all country one night..and the next hip hop..but when you limit your selection then you limit your singers...I never had anyone ask for ONE SONG GLORY from "RENT" but it get done..no one vcan make anyone buy stuff they dont want but if you expand your collection then you give your singers a chance to do stuff that might not be asked for

That's great for your business plan. You have to do what you feel will be worth the investment, I simply prefer to get what people actually ask for.

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 14, 2009 9:02 pm 
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I can identify with Gemini being a songaholic. I like having a bit of everything because we don't want potential venues ruling us out as being too cowboy oldies. So every time I order a custom to fill requests for where we are now I indulge in a few modern hits on spec.

We are in a cowboy oldies dive but now we have one dancing coulple requesting Salsa and a man in his 60's was glad to see we had "Chasing Cars" by Snow Patrol. The kids at the Youth Center, however, want Beach Boys. Go figure. We certainly can't afford to have EVERY song but it makes it fun to have a little bit of everything.

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