I am a little late in reading this I think, but Oh well.
Hopefully you didn't go yesterday though. Last night was much busier than usual for a Saturday. I had a full line of first time singers by 11:30 PM and only 5 people left cause it was taking too long. For those counting that was about 25 new singers in line so for the last person it was a two hour wait (Augh too long for my taste). I still had people turning in slips even after I told them I was full, about 12 didn't get to sing. All in all it was a great crowd. Anyways, I do host at Ozzies, but it is upstairs, the louder section. Thanks Karen for the plug. It really is only louder because the sound has nowhere to go and all of the people are talking. Tip: if you are there the first hour, upstairs is usually slow. and you can usually sing a few songs before the crowd funnels in. I try not to play favorites, and run a pretty fair rotation I think. I usually average just over 4 min per singer. So last night I got in 38 new singers, and a total of 54 songs were sung. It was a busy night. You know if people actually came in earlier instead of showing up an 12:50 and wondering why they won't get to sing, life would be so much easier for them.

Hope you do come up to see us. I won't be there next weekend, the 24th and 25th. The Northwest Dancesport Championships will be at the Sea-Tac Hilton, and I will be performing that evening. Yes I am a dancer too. If any of you like flowing ball gowns, and really revealing latin dresses, come check it out.