DJ DANGERUS @ Fri Sep 11, 2009 1:09 am wrote:
Once again if you want to mention the dirty four letter word for a national karaoke association please refer to it as "POOP" I think I mentioned this before but the threads got pulled because "POOP" was mentioned to many times. So now I don't know if you are tying to puposly get this thead pulled by stating "POOP" so many times or just don't understantd the forum rules or maybe these rules are just for some posters but not all posters on this forum.
Nope I just like the term "Poop". Poop something that smells bad. If they're mostly volunteer who's getting all the money from the membership fees? Darn it I swore I wouldn't bring it up again, sorry.
Now I would invest in an orginazation trying to create downloads that couldn't be copied. It seems like an impossible task, but it sure would solve a big problem.
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~*~ MONKEY BUSINESS KARAOKE~*~ [/shadow][/updown][/glow]