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PostPosted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 1:45 pm 
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mr.fahrenheit @ Mon Jul 06, 2009 1:24 pm wrote:
d the song - had the crowd singing along and received good applause at the end.

After the applause died down the host says over the mic "Wow that was fantastic". Then in his arrogant way of trying to get a laugh from his regulars says over the mic "Sorry I didn't get you up earlier but from the look of you I thought you were going to be <span style=font-size:10px><i>(@$%&#!)</i></span>".

Dang, that's karaoke 101. NEVER judge a singer by appearance!

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 2:13 pm 
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I've been to a similar show here in the Milwaukee area. Very upscale and run by a lady with the same style. The lady in fact was a dear friend of mine and we knew each other for quite a long time. Perhaps Gerri Woo's customers accept this as normal. They might prefer it that way. I mean, it is at The Sheraton! I wouldn't myself run a show like that...it seems arrogant. I studied her web site a bit more because the name rang a bell in my foggy head and I know why. She was a vocalist of some notoriety in the 60s. Please see following link... http://wookaraoke.com/blog/music/
She was also a Playboy Bunny in the LA mansion. Girl has had a spoon fed life for most of her adult years. Karaoke was never intended to be someones personal showcase. It's about fun and fellowship...people getting together for a good time, making friends. Thanks for posting this, Dan.

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 2:16 pm 
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Well I did think afterwards on my way home

What does a bad singer look like ?

ME I guess.

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 2:17 pm 
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Never ever screw with changing the rotation because of singing skill or just about anything else for that matter.

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 3:11 pm 
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Clicked the link to her blog - "no-nonsense rotation" it says. Mmhhh...wonder what that means in this situation?

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 4:27 pm 
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Karen K @ Mon Jul 06, 2009 6:11 pm wrote:
Clicked the link to her blog - "no-nonsense rotation" it says. Mmhhh...wonder what that means in this situation?

Don't really know but I have a no nonsense rotaion - first come first served.

The Line Array Experiment is over. Nothing to see here. Move along.

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 5:20 am 
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There used to be an upscale karaoke place near us that was famous for attracting the best singers. The rotation was so long that you might get in a song a night. It was a place where I knew I would be "audience" and not dare put in a song. But for some reason it was a status symbol for some to say they had sang there. That seemed to overshadow only getting to sing once so the place was jammed. It wasn't my idea of fun but very popular for some.

We also have "Gong Karaoke" at one of the nearby towns and some of our patrons have encouraged us to do it. I think they have some people in mind they would like to blow off the stage. It would destroy some of our singers to be gonged and it isn't something that appeals to us in the least. But we know of some singers who really like going there as they are good enough to win prizes.

I guess if you have a big city and a big enough pool of good singers, you can run these kind of shows but if you are serving a neighborhood bar where everyone wants a chance to sing, it would do nothing more than hurt feelings.

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 9:55 am 
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Woo replies! Or at least her webmaster did, telling me why she wouldn't approve my comment to her blog entry:

As the web master of the WooKaraoke website, I’m letting you know I will not approve your comment. I checked out your blog and found it to be deliberately nasty to Woo. Talk about not judging – you’ve judged Woo and posted your judgment online, without ever having experienced a Woo and Friends karaoke show.

The thing you seem not understand is that Woo’s shows are NOT the normal karaoke show. To Woo and her singers, the show is more of a performance art than some silly karaoke venue where every horrid and boring singer gets to sing in a “fair” rotation. That’s just one of the reason people flock to a Woo and Friends karaoke show – for the quality of the performances, even if they don’t sing. Interestingly, not all of her singers are awesome and it always seems like everyone does end up getting about the same amount of songs to sing (good or bad). Woo, as an professional entertainer, knows how to pace a show so that everyone has a great time – singers and non-singers alike.

Sandra Miller-Long
Website Designer : Graphic Artist : Technical Writer

Fine, then don't call it a karaoke show! Call it a "showcase" or "cabaret show" or
"performance art". All I know is that if I showed up to sing at what is billed as "karaoke" and because I'm not a regular and my vocal prowess isn't known by the host, I'm automatically pushed back in the rotation. How is that "fast and fair"?

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 10:10 am 

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Remind me next time I want a private email to be posted on this forum, to make sure to send it to you.

Bad form.

But since you've decided to air my private thoughts to you, I might as well continue with what I just sent you via email:

As the former editor and head writer for San Diego Scene Karaoke Magazine, I make it a point to keep up with all the sites that involve karaoke--particularly in and around San Diego. I am well aware of your posts...and the increased bandwidth usage on Woo's site as a result. *g*

The only reason I contacted you is because I am not going to allow your comment on her site and I wanted you to know why. It is not a forum for open debate -- it is a website designed to promote a subject, Woo and Friends Karaoke. Karaoke Scene is the perfect venue for such debate. Though I am somewhat concerned that a KJ would go out of their way to slam another KJ on an open forum...unless, perhaps, your intent was merely to promote your blog on myspace.

Most people who frequent Woo's shows do not think of them as karaoke shows; but the vehicle remains the same, whether cassette, CD or DVD, it is still karaoke. The rotation rules are posted on the site because Woo wants to make sure people KNOW this is a different type of karaoke show.

She must be doing something right, she's had her own karaoke show for over 15 years, first at the Charcoal House (10+ years) and now at the Sheridan (5+ years). From my experience, most KJs can't keep the same gig for more than a year, if that.

Next time I'm in Seattle, I'll check out one of your shows.


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PostPosted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 10:12 am 
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I received the same response from Woo's web master. It's their game and they make the rules. If you don't like their rules, they would rather you go to a different show. They have a group of regulars that they cater to and that's that. I'm looking for the show that only allows models to sing.

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 10:50 am 
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I'm looking for the show that only allows models to sing.

Or better yet, to dance naked. :mrgreen:

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 10:59 am 
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EeeeK !
Woo followers are every where. LMAO

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 11:06 am 
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Babs @ Tue 07 Jul, 2009 wrote:
EeeeK !
Woo followers are every where. LMAO

No.... "you" followers are everywhere!

We're watching you Babs! Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha!! :twisted: :mrgreen: :withstupid:

Johnny should be along any minute now......

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 11:14 am 
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Alright, this is gettin' good! Let me chime in... :mrgreen:

First of all... this is San Diego, the "click" capitol of the world. These folks don't do anything like anybody else on the planet. Sometimes this is a good thing, sometimes... not so much. :roll:

Karaoke can develop clicks anywhere, we've all seen that.

For most of us, this type of show isn't our cup of tea... we are about promoting FUN over performance ability. None of us (mostly) came from a professional music career to become a karaoke host, we were karaoke singer who thought we had something to add to the scene. She promotes performance first. Its her show, and she's getting paid, so that apparently works for her.

For most of us, this is feels "wrong" as it violates a fundamental understanding of what karaoke is... and that is that karaoke is about music, shared among friends, talent not required.

The name of her show is Woo and Friends karaoke... perhaps a more correct title might be Woo's talented amateur singers with karaoke backing tracks?? :?

One has to wonder how many NEW singers have found karaoke at her show?? Bringing newbies, talented or no, into the fold is a very satisfying aspect of being host. Finding and encouraging a talented new singer is a joy. Given the rotation rules, I wonder how this might occur.

Bottom line Sandra, she may be successful, and her show may be great, and good times may be had by all... but its NOT karaoke its Hollywood, plastic injected, artificially flavored karaoke. Probably the only place in the world this could become successful.

Good music, good friends, howling good times!

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 12:09 pm 
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BruceFan4Life @ Tue Jul 07, 2009 10:12 am wrote:
It's their game and they make the rules. If you don't like their rules, they would rather you go to a different show. They have a group of regulars that they cater to and that's that. I'm looking for the show that only allows models to sing.
Bruce, that was the whole point of my rant. Something tells me that other than her website, most all those who see a lobby card in the Sheraton for karaoke night have no idea about these "rules". How could they know unless they're one of Woo's "friends", they may or may not get to sing. Too bad for the traveling businessman who loves karaoke and happens to be staying at the Sheraton.

And if it's not the height of haughtiness to proclaim, "To Woo and her singers, the show is more of a performance art than some silly karaoke venue where every horrid and boring singer gets to sing in a “fair” rotation." Way to give props to every other karaoke host in the world.

Then don't call it a "fair rotation". Don't even talk about the rotation or call it "karaoke" at all! Advertise it as "An Evening With Woo and Friends" rather than infer that if one is not already one of her friends, they might actually get to sing in a fair rotation.

That does nothing but taint karaoke shows and make hosts in general look bad.

As for being sensational to get more hits to my blog, I've written tons of stuff on the web - many in the same vein. It's not unusual for me to give my take or rant over someone else's opinion or blog. In fact, I have a whole other blog which takes on other issues and interests. Read it or don't read it, no biggie. "Tom" isn't paying me to drive traffic to MySpace.

By the way, ever since I got on the net in 1993, anything I write in email I fully expect to be forwarded, blogged and commented on. I wouldn't write anything that I wouldn't say to someone's face in front of a group of people.

Glad Woo's successful at getting people to her show. As for me, next time I'm in San Diego I might rather hear Shamu warble at Sea World ... and to paraphrase Homer Simpson exclaim, "Woo who?!?"

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 12:16 pm 
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I wouldn't go to her show even if I could sing like Freddie Mercury and she could play my disks!

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 12:48 pm 
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karaoke koyote @ Sun Jul 05, 2009 9:43 pm wrote:
Too many screwed up drunks in a row is bad for your show.

People who continue to scream in the mic after you've told them not to is bad in general.

Too many weak, or poor singers in a row is bad for the show.

Too many ballads in a row is bad for the show.

As host, the show is YOUR responsibility. You can delegate the task, but you can't delegate the responsibility. At the end of the night people will remember YOU, not drunk Johnny who could barely stand, much less sing.

I do try to slip the talented newbies between the ballads and the drunks.

Those folks who are rude, and obnoxious to me and other won't find me looking for them to put in a submission when their turn is coming. And I won't call them 10 times either. They may get skipped. :angel:

At the end of the night, when I'm down to cut offs, those who don't have in submission are done, and I WILL favor the talents over the hacks at that point.

Note, however, if you get your song in, are respectful to me and other singers, show enthusiasm and really try, talent won't be a consideration ever.

Crappy talent, combined with poor karaoke etiquette doesn't earn you any favors. With talent, I won't stand for disrespect.

I'm a host, and I have an obligation to make judgment calls for a good show, not a glorified button pusher.

All that said, this woman sounds like an idiot. :D

Have i missed something here? am i wrong in thinking that We/the BAD SINGERS are ur show/intertainment. if it weren't for US you may very well be out of a job...what happens if no good singers show up? are you stuck with us?

Its unreal to think that yes ur supplying the music....but WE supply the voice that sings that music....good r bad u have to admit that 1 bad singer can bring in 4 r 5 friends to listen to them....are even convince them to get up and sing...good singers? no probly not but i bet they have a blast just the same...and you may think at the end of the night there talking about you, but i'm betting there talking about each other and how they sounded, and how fun it was for them....

As a karaoke Host ur limited to just so much you can do and still give time for each singer....WE are your intertainment...WE are the clubs, FREE intertainment...heck WE even pay for the intertainment WE provide by buying drinks....some even have a door charge...
not putting down any Kj but ya'll have to remember who it is thats keeping ur jobs....without us/ bad singers your out on the streets....what percentage of so called BAD singers do you feel you get in a night? betting ur getting more so called bad singers to good ones....
karaoke is suppose to be fun for all, not just the good singers but ALL.....
personally i think karaoke is the best thing that ever happened...i see smiles on somes faces that just light up a room...you can't beat that....you also see scared faces and as you watch before ur eyes they get more relaxed and at the end there having a blast....everyone wants to be someone...if only for 3 r 4 min...its ur jobs as K J host to let them have it....and the best that you can....

your going to skip me if i upset you? loll....is this a yes sir no sir kinda gig?
its your job to learn to deal with these people...what do you expect from them there drinking...paying for Your wages....and your gonna skip me?
you may say, well its MY GIG....i run the show....thats true you do....your the man with the power....you know what they say about to much power....do what ur getting paid to do...LET PEOPLE SING....no more no less...

(Too many weak, or poor singers in a row is bad for the show.

Too many ballads in a row is bad for the show)


who judges who is weak are poor at singing? and what gives them that right? other then the fact that they own the mic....

i don't see you as any different then the Woo woman...infact ya'll sound the same to me....your pushing weak/poor/bad singers around so the so called good singers can sing and make YOUR SHOW better....do you also put the pretty girls and good looking guys up before the not so pretty/ good looking? is there money greener for some reason?

Having said all that i do feel a good K J can make r break a persons night of singing and everyone having fun....
To many rules.....you sing bad back of the line are i'm gonna slip you inbetween some good singers....oh ur drunk and i didn't like the way you worded the last thing you said too me....oh we have ugle people nights on tuesday and thursdays, come back then please....ok i made that 1 up....but thats what they tell me....

(Crappy talent, combined with poor karaoke etiquette doesn't earn you any favors. With talent, I won't stand for disrespect.)

CRAPPY TALENT? lolll....your a piece of work....what super star was it you opened for again?

maybe you should open a karaoke etiquette school....you know how you get respect don't you?

ok i'm done...its tuesday night and its ugly peoples karaoke night...wooohoooooo

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 2:06 pm 
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ok What Now @ Tue Jul 07, 2009 12:48 pm wrote:
Have i missed something here?

I would say yes, definitely.

ok What Now @ Tue Jul 07, 2009 12:48 pm wrote:
am i wrong in thinking that We/the BAD SINGERS are ur show/intertainment. if it weren't for US you may very well be out of a job...what happens if no good singers show up? are you stuck with us?

Hmmm, bizarre. I have lots of singers of varying talent 8) :wink: All having howling good times at my show 5 times a week.

ok What Now @ Tue Jul 07, 2009 12:48 pm wrote:
Its unreal to think that yes ur supplying the music....but WE supply the voice that sings that music....good r bad u have to admit that 1 bad singer can bring in 4 r 5 friends to listen to them....

Yep, and 4 or 5 bad singers in a row can clear a bar... Then I'm out of job.

ok What Now @ Tue Jul 07, 2009 12:48 pm wrote:
i bet they have a blast just the same...

Yes they do.

ok What Now @ Tue Jul 07, 2009 12:48 pm wrote:
and you may think at the end of the night there talking about you,

Hmmm. not likely.

ok What Now @ Tue Jul 07, 2009 12:48 pm wrote:
but i'm betting there talking about each other and how they sounded, and how fun it was for them....

Yep, and the following week they come back to who??? The guy who made them sound good, and allowed for their good time.

ok What Now @ Tue Jul 07, 2009 12:48 pm wrote:
As a karaoke Host ur limited to just so much you can do

A very truthful observation.

ok What Now @ Tue Jul 07, 2009 12:48 pm wrote:
karaoke is suppose to be fun for all,

Yes it is, even for people who are just at the bar PAYING for drinks and never pick up a microphone. Without them karaoke goes away, and YOU don't have a place to go and sing bad. :wink:

ok What Now @ Tue Jul 07, 2009 12:48 pm wrote:
personally i think karaoke is the best thing that ever happened...

I agree!!

ok What Now @ Tue Jul 07, 2009 12:48 pm wrote:
i see smiles on somes faces that just light up a room...you can't beat that....

Nothing finer!

ok What Now @ Tue Jul 07, 2009 12:48 pm wrote:
you also see scared faces and as you watch before ur eyes they get more relaxed and at the end there having a blast....everyone wants to be someone...if only for 3 r 4 min...its ur jobs as K J host to let them have it....and the best that you can....

Lord knows I try, and I believe I succeed 99% of the time.

ok What Now @ Tue Jul 07, 2009 12:48 pm wrote:
your going to skip me if i upset you? loll....is this a yes sir no sir kinda gig?

No, its a:
- show up when your called the first time not the third, there are others waiting
- Don't disrespect the equipment
- Don't disrespect the other singers
- Don't get in my face and scream foul language because in your drunken stupor you perceive that I've slighted you in some way

Kind of gig... :D

ok What Now @ Tue Jul 07, 2009 12:48 pm wrote:
its your job to learn to deal with these people...what do you expect from them there drinking...

To act like grown ups, not spoiled little children?

ok What Now @ Tue Jul 07, 2009 12:48 pm wrote:
paying for Your wages....

No, the BAR pays me to provide an entertaining show for ALL their customers

ok What Now @ Tue Jul 07, 2009 12:48 pm wrote:
and your gonna skip me?

Rarely happens, but when it does its EARNED.

ok What Now @ Tue Jul 07, 2009 12:48 pm wrote:
you may say, well its MY GIG....

It is my gig. I went looking for the job, I bought the equipment, and I am paid to be the host. For good or ill, I'm responsible for the outcome. That makes it mine.

Look, someone has obviously done you wrong, at least in your perception. It wasn't me. What I said is factual. Bad singing CAN clear a bar. BAD singing can be entertaining too, depends on the performance.

Do large groups of people get up and take a smoke break when a certain singer comes up? That's no me making a decision, that's PAYING customers.

Am I going to kick that person out of the rotation? Absolutely not.

Am I going to chase them down to get their song selection? Absolutely not.

That's the reality of hosting.

It doesn't appear that you actually read my post and understood it, because I made it clear that talent has nothing to do with me putting you in or out of the rotation. Your respect, or lack there of of the bar, its patrons and the host certainly can. If you you wouldn't come to the show because of that, I'm good with that. :D

Good music, good friends, howling good times!

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 2:47 pm 
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I think that Woo's show should be billed differently. I think she has a great idea marketing a show with all good and great singers. I also like a normal karaoke show where everyone that wants to can sing.
She does come off a mouthy for sure. I think a show like hers probably makes her alot of money.
Makes me want to try that here in STL. Nobody wants to go see a cover band with a mediocre singer or sloppy music. Seems like a smart move to market a show like this.
You could have local singers submit a demo. line up shows and make a presentation out of it. Could really become a good format to launch peoples music careers.
All of the negative speak in her blog i could do without.

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 3:16 pm 
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Look, someone has obviously done you wrong, at least in your perception. It wasn't me. What I said is factual. Bad singing CAN clear a bar. BAD singing can be entertaining too, depends on the performance. ...

truth is no one did me wrong i get along with all the k j's pretty well...i was just pullin ur chain trying to get a rise...i'm so bored....i'm going back to the ugle can't sing bus....tc...

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