To me, even if I get only a few weeks in, it will be enough to see my regulars again, and the extra cash after Christmas won't hurt either.
So I had my brief meeting today and it went something like this:
Me: (Smiles) Happy New Year
Him: Happy New year. (smiles)
Him: You karaoke Tuesday and Thursday.
Me: I'm not available Tuesdays. I only have Thursday available.
Him: Ok. You gonna host same and we no more have contest like before.
Me: Ok That's good. You don't need that anyway. People will come for the karaoke.
(I'm thinking: Great! - It was a real downer last time when he ran this "contest", supposedly on talent then gave the win of $1000 to the guy who owed him a bunch of money who had ZERO talent.)
Him: we gonna give a drink to people who sing. But no water drinkers taking up seats.
Me: Well the water drinkers are your department. It's nothing to do with me. If you don't want them there, then you have to take care of that.
Him: Ok so $175.
Me: Oh, no, I need $250
Him: Oh no. Last time you get that one maybe two weeks and then we stop over Christmas.
ME: Well that was before. My price has gone up. What's your bottom line?
Him: Well $200
Me: Well I'll tell you what. I'll go $225. That's my bottom line.
Him: Too much.
Me: I get $250 in my own town and I don't have to drive.
Him: Wait a mintue.
(He leaves to go consult with his wife and returns in about a minute and a half.)
Him: $200 bottom line.
Me: I need $225. That's my bottom line.
Him: Ok I gonna call you.
Me: Ok.
I leave and now I'm awaiting his call. My BF is sure he will call in a couple of days, as am I. I've already proven my worth and he knows it or he wouldn't have called me back. He's just trying to get the cheapest price. Good on him for trying, though.
If he doesn't call me, my feelings won't be terrible hurt. I don't relish the half hour drive in the winter anyway.
BTW HE named the price first!
(Great tip, Basement. Thanks.)