Ok, like you, I'm not sure what you want. If you want portability and quality within the budget you mentioned, then my previous suggestions stand. If you wan ta more permanent setup, and are willing to go somewhat over your budget, then:
An Audio 2000 AKJ-7050 mixer/amp. ( 360w, professional mixing capability)- Around $385.
Almost any single drawer karaoke player ( Since the above mixer/amp does all the work, all that's required is an audio/video feed from a player)- say $150, but could be had for under a hundred on line.
As previously suggested, two Gemini UF-8264 UHF 64 channel full diversity wireless mics at #120 or less
Two EV (Electro-Voice) 12" speakers, which WILL give you all the base you need if you want it. These- or ANY decent stand alone speakers- are not going to be cheap. The CHEAPEST I've seen these is $325 each online, and that's WAY low. You might consider buying used on E-bay.
_________________ "No Contests, No Divas, Just A Good Time!"
" Disc based and loving it..."