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PostPosted: Sat Jan 07, 2006 5:31 am 
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People seem to have differing opinions on karaoke contests.  I haven't entered any myself, simply because I do this for FUN and don't want to be nervous and worry about how I'll do.  And I very rarely go to places that are holding contests, because a lot of times I'm wanting to sing and not wanting to wait thru' a contest!  But I'm not knocking them.  

So do you guys like them?

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 07, 2006 7:41 am 
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absolutely HATE them... despise them...


((muttering and runnin' around tearin' up furniture!))

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 07, 2006 9:05 am 
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knightshow @ Sat Jan 07, 2006 7:41 am wrote:
absolutely HATE them... despise them...


((muttering and runnin' around tearin' up furniture!))

Gees, would someone roll him over & scratch his belly!

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 07, 2006 9:25 am 
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knightshow @ Sat Jan 07, 2006 9:41 am wrote:
absolutely HATE them... despise them...


((muttering and runnin' around tearin' up furniture!))

:wave: Before you do that, could you elaborate a bit, please?  Why do you hate them?  I've heard some people (even KJ's) say they are too "political", and that it's mostly about who you know, not what you know.   They say that if it's measured by audience applause, people often bring in their own "cheering section" (so if you don't know anyone there, you're screwed).  The one and only time I was part of the audience for such a contest, I voted for some guy I'd never seen before who sang some song that I'd never heard before--but I liked it, and I thought he did a great job.  He didn't win--oh well...

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 07, 2006 11:54 am 
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Contest take a karaoke crowd that doesn't care about a thing. Turn them into birds fighting over bread.

Contest can hurt atmosphere and people take things to heart. It can cause loss of regualr singers.

Sometimes they can be good but I suggest contest be used at new nights to attract business.

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 07, 2006 12:05 pm 
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Will never support one. Will never hold one. Will never participate in one. Have no use for them whatsoever.

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 07, 2006 12:21 pm 
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I agree that it does change the atmosphere. It can turn a friendly
karaoke crowd into a bunch of back stabbing competition. I like when the crowd supports each other and doesn't critique each other.

My crowd right now is like a big family when someone new comes in if they sing well or not they take them under their wing. Everyone just wants to have fun. Add a competition and someone comes in that sings well and people will not be friendly, they see them as competition.

I did see a bar were it at least was done fairly. It was judged on appearance, singing ability and crowd applause, so if you didn't have a big group of friends there to cheer you on you could still win. I hate the ones where people win on only applause.

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 07, 2006 12:25 pm 
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"I agree that it does change the atmosphere. It can turn a friendly
karaoke crowd into a bunch of back stabbing competition"

So you mean to say that it can turn friendly karaokers into BACKSTABBING COMPETING KJ's too?????????  :O  LOL  LMAO

"You know that I sing the Blues and I do not suffer fools. When I'm on that silver mic, it's gonna cut ya, just like a knife"-The SWINGCAT

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 07, 2006 1:43 pm 
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Sometimes they can be good but I suggest contest be used at new nights to attract business.

not a bad Idea at all,

I only sing in contest's when I go on Cruise's to the Bahamas. Since I get Paid to sing I feel it's not fair to the regular Karaokier. Not that Im so Great (theres many I wish I could sing like). It's just not fair.

However it is a good Idea to maybe increase Biz at your show to attain a few more regulars...

I would advertize heavely but try to come up with a fair way of judging it.

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 07, 2006 2:47 pm 
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Lonman @ Sat Jan 07, 2006 9:05 am wrote:
knightshow @ Sat Jan 07, 2006 7:41 am wrote:
absolutely HATE them... despise them...


((muttering and runnin' around tearin' up furniture!))

Gees, would someone roll him over & scratch his belly!

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 07, 2006 2:54 pm 
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Laura @ Sat Jan 07, 2006 9:25 am wrote:
...could you elaborate a bit, please?  Why do you hate them?  I've heard some people (even KJ's) say they are too "political", and that it's mostly about who you know, not what you know.   They say that if it's measured by audience applause, people often bring in their own "cheering section" (so if you don't know anyone there, you're screwed).  The one and only time I was part of the audience for such a contest, I voted for some guy I'd never seen before who sang some song that I'd never heard before--but I liked it, and I thought he did a great job.  He didn't win--oh well...
Um, Laura, you pretty much told me the reasons why I hate them.

Other reasons:

Experts judging them? How? What are their qualifications?  How do you weed out favoritism? What about the gal that comes and shakes her moneymakers and wins despite her lack of carrying a tune in a friggin' suitcase? Or the cowboy dude with the jeans painted on that does lapdances for the gals and gets all the screaming, yet sings such a simple song that he could sleep it?

you mentioned the audience responses...

Not only on the folks that bring their support, what about those that deliberately sabotage audience approval by not applauding or cheering even though they'll admit that others were better than their friend.

But way more than that....

When I have a karaoke audience, they're ALL winners. NOBODY's a loser. Contests change that concept totally!

Also, you'll get folks to come out for the contest, won't support the venue, and after the contest is over, will never come back.

Nah, I'd rather run my own show, where all my regulars and the visitors are the winners!

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 07, 2006 3:09 pm 
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:banghead:  :dontknow:  :angry:


Addendum:: Kinda makes ya wonder though, why so many people follow AI or Making The Band ... or any "talent competitions" .... Maybe for the VENUE it can be a draw ... if they sponsor an annual show or something... but it is usually a DEATH SENTENCE for people who run Karaoke shows for a living on a weekly basis.  

Pitting your singers against one another is a NO WIN situation.  It's a whole lot better to let EVERYONE be a "star" for 3-5 minutes at a time.

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 07, 2006 3:57 pm 
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Thanks for your input!  One of the places where I go has Karaoke Survivor where they are on teams.  I've never actually seen it done--I avoid it like the plague LOL.  I don't want to be worried about people voting me off their team!  (Actually I'm a pretty decent singer, but I would be a bit nervous in a situation like that.)

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 07, 2006 4:06 pm 
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I don't think anyone here is saying it won't bring business. I've seen
bars fill up for a karaoke contest, especially if it is good money. But
what happens after the contest is over is the problem. I'd rather have a steady
noncompetitive crowd every week. Than a big competitive crowd just for contests.

We also have a inpersonator Karaoke show business around here. I've only seen them once, I don't remember the name of the company. Anyway, they start off with their own people doing karaoke imitating artist then have open karaoke the rest of the night. It is very entertaining, but I wouldn't want to pay all those people to work a show.

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 07, 2006 10:19 pm 
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Out of the 8 years we've been doing karaoke...ONLY 2 years did we do contests.  At FIRST they bring business...and then..as tempers flare...and judges hard to find...WE NEVER judged...nope...uh huh....ain't going there...after all that...business would get slow. Complaints..harrassment...On an on. We DON"T and NEVER will again do them. i will light candles for anyone who does.... :wave:


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PostPosted: Sun Jan 08, 2006 12:03 am 
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I dont enjoy contests because I always win. I hate the prize money,,  the adulation, all the beautiful women that I must make love to after another hard fought victory. I miss the good old days........sheeshh

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 08, 2006 6:54 am 
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ROFL...yeah...i can see how you would miss all the...er...glitter of it all!


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PostPosted: Sun Jan 08, 2006 11:16 am 
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When we were forming and organizing Valley dart leagues in their infancy one of the problems was most of the newbies had never participated in sports. They couldnt compete with the maturity of an adult and with adrenaline flowing they wanted to argue about the rules and throw temper tantrums. Through guidance and strict protocols most learned how to compete. They realized some nights their game would be off but hi five their competiyion when they did something great.. After a few years the leagues grew and we were doing the Valley dart leagues in Vegas..I a few years the number of dart boards n bar outnumbered the pool tables.

 There are some things I dont like about AI but local talent contests are being patterned by AI.. I happened into one of my old haunts yesterday (sat nite) which one of my old friends was getting serious about dj kj business..I happened to be wearing coat and tie and it is unusual but I didnt know a single singer there. During registration each singer was doing a warm up song and those not in the contest was singing. I sang summer wind and before the song my kj buddy and I were casually joking and working the crowd before my song..When I sing in front of a new crowd I can feel the hints of butterflys and go into a semi=pro mode..Anyway I nailed it and gave me alot of credibility.

The rules and what the judges were looking for was read verbatim from the sign in sheet. After each singer 2 judges would comment on the performance and offer suggestions for improvement. I was going to them saying that was awesome let me give you a couple of pointers.. The winner was picked and while some were disappointed they all said they would be back next week.. I use to be one of those that thought karaoke contests were insane but I am begining to see alot of improvement in them and talent as well..

I use to see home karaoke machines as direct competition but now I realize that when these kids become old enough to come into the bars this business is gonna go nuts...In the VFW I do birthday parties for kids and they go nuts.. There is a different breed of karaoke singers now.. And I can see the day when they will have karaoke finals in Vegas One for every genre and age...

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 08, 2006 3:02 pm 
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I have only been in two contests. One was a single night, audiance judged contest that I happened to get in by accident. I was on vacation and knew that a bar close to where I was did karaoke friday nights. I decided to go and let of some steam. The kj said that they were having an informal one nighter, just tell him that you wanted a song to be in the contest when you handed in that slip. I did and tied for first, we each got a gift cert for the bar, 25 dollars. It was a blast. We even tried a second song each and still could not come up with a clear winner. I was also involved in an 8 night themed contest. It was judjed by 3 different audiance members each week. I finished behind some people who weren't singing as well as I was. There were a lot of people there who were not part of my "crowd" who couldn't believe the standings at the end either. I really don't know what we were judged on.............Anyway, it was still a blast just to sing in front of more people than I ussually do. I would even consider doing it agian. But honestly, I enjoy karaoke just for singing as much, probably more, than for competition.

what if I am the one whos normal and the rest of the world is all messed up?

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 7:55 am 
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I like contests as a new singer in karaoke each week I improved
I was always scared to sing in front of people this helped me to get over it.
as each week at first I never placed.
as each contest I entered I got better and better,braver and braver :drunk:
I placed second 4 weeks in a row ($30 tab)tied for 1 st
and of course in the sing off I sabotaged myself
but I would do it again if only learn to sing better
Everyone where we have our contests have been family for a while.
so I just do the ones here asked for an honeray award for most consistent
singer of the year LMAO they are fun for me

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