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 Post subject: Maybe It's Just Me?
PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 9:42 am 
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I started hosting my own karaoke shows full time back in the early 90's.(naturally, it was disc based) After 8 years I decided to sell everything, and get a "regular" job.
Fast forward to modern day. After much consideration, I have gotten back into the business. I put together a great sound system and I have invested a great deal of money into buying karaoke discs....all over again. I have legally burned my discs onto a computer hard drive, and run my shows with a laptop computer.

Is it me, or is there something kind of rude about people bringing their own music to MY show to sing? I know that many KJ's are willing and able to accommodate such requests, but I find it somewhat insulting. It's as if the customer is saying"Your library isn't sufficient enough for me!"

I've been to other people's shows, and have never even considered bringing my own music. I can always find something to sing from the host's song book. I mean it's karaoke for crying out loud.......it's supposed to be light hearted and fun........isn't that what we say when it's OUR turn to be the host???

I have had people ask if I would play off of their flash drives, and my answer is always no. Does this make me a bad guy? I don't think so
Just my own thoughts on the subject,

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 Post subject: Re: Maybe It's Just Me?
PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 9:48 am 
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I hate playing other people's disks, but I will if it is a legal disk. I will not play from a USB device under any circumstances because I am under the impression that no downloaded karaoke song is licensed for public performance in the United States.

Originally, I used a CAVS 203G USB, but switched over to a computer. Since I still have the players, I use an A/B switch to go back and forth, if needed.

I do it also because if I don't take care of my customers, someone else will.

I'm not a cheerleader, but I paid for my pom poms with my own money!

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 Post subject: Re: Maybe It's Just Me?
PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 10:19 am 
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Maybe they have a hard time finding what they're looking for. Maybe they're a bit lazy, and like to hand you a cdg with the songs and the order in which they want to sing. Maybe you don't have the "version", or they're not sure you have the version they are comfortable with. Maybe they have instituted a key change on some songs, being dis-satisfied in the previous key changes preformed by you or another KJ. They know what they have on they're disk, and it gives them comfort. If you don't have the song, or the manu they want, how could you gripe(in my opinion), but often it's not about your library at all, and you shouldn't feel insulted. It's you're call though, and you can run your show the way you want, and they should simply find a show with a kj that doesn't mind playing the cdgs if they want to.....it's a free country.....you asked, and this is just my opinion......good luck, and don't let things like that get to you.... :)

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 Post subject: Re: Maybe It's Just Me?
PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 10:34 am 
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Many folks prefer a certain version, and are more comfortable with it. Maybe they practice at home with it.

The point is, WE aren't the ones to decide what the "best" version is- our patrons are.

You and I may think the Back Stage version of a particular song is nothing but a disc frisbee, but if the CUSTOMER likes it, then it's the "best" one for the customer.

No need to be offended if your or my taste differs from the singer's. They want to sing the "best" version for them, and our job is to make them happy.

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 Post subject: Re: Maybe It's Just Me?
PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 10:46 am 
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BT Magic wrote:
Is it me, or is there something kind of rude about people bringing their own music to MY show to sing? I know that many KJ's are willing and able to accommodate such requests, but I find it somewhat insulting. It's as if the customer is saying"Your library isn't sufficient enough for me!"
It's you IMO. I actually encourage people to get their own discs and bring them in. Especially if they want some really obscure song or different brand of a song I already have. You as a kj can and will NEVER have everything - nor should this be your goal, it won't be cost efficient. People bring in discs for multitudes of reasons - versions they are used to being number one, songs that the avg kj don't usually have being the next main ones.
Now if they bring up a disc that you already have, then you can let them know that you have that disc and that is one less they'd have to bring in next time. Or sometimes it's a great way to listen to other brands quality without having to drop cash on them yourself. Or hear new songs - have had many singers sing their own disc and people asking me for that song next time so this is one i'd pick up. Don't take it as an insult or being rude. It's karaoke, the customer should have fun and be comfortable.

I have had people ask if I would play off of their flash drives, and my answer is always no. Does this make me a bad guy? I don't think so
Just my own thoughts on the subject,

Nope that is your choice as far as flash drives go, I personally will play them (Cue you listening lol).

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 Post subject: Re: Maybe It's Just Me?
PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 11:10 am 
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It's definitely YOU. I want to sing my favorite songs when I go out to karaoke. I don't want to be limited by what the KJ thinks are good songs. I also make some of my own CDG songs from backing tracks purchased from Karaoke Version and I-tunes and some other places. Kj's that run off laptops who refuase to play outside music are , in my opinion, LAZY and egotistical.

Sure, I can find something in your book to sing but I'd be more likely to return to your show if you would play my disc when I give it to you. If you think that I'm trying to sabotage your computer by handing you a flash drive; you don't deserve my business. It's karaoke. NOT PARA(NOID)OKE. I have found that most KJ's that refuse to play a customer's disc are people who purchased a loaded hard drive. They hardly ever update it and some of them wouldn't even know how to do it if they bought new discs. Hooking up a CDG capable DVD player to play a customer's disc is just a better way of doing business, in my opinion. Not doing so is like selling french fries and not supplying ketchup. I'll go somewhere else to get my "fries".

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 Post subject: Re: Maybe It's Just Me?
PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 11:44 am 
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Yanno, something to keep in mind is that playing other people's USB or burned disks is sort of inviting trouble. I know its a long shot, but what if a reviewer was at your show and was snapping pictures of the music you were "displaying". How would you defend yourself if that song came up as "evidence"?

I'm not a cheerleader, but I paid for my pom poms with my own money!

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 Post subject: Re: Maybe It's Just Me?
PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 12:09 pm 
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I don't play other ppls' discs or flash drive. If I don't have the song they want, and I can't download it from a legal site... I'm just all kinds of boo-hoo sorry...

Personally, I decide what the best version of a song is until a patron specifically asks me for a different version. Then, for that next 3:05, their version is the best, whether it really is or not.

DJ Don

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 Post subject: Re: Maybe It's Just Me?
PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 12:41 pm 
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Okay, that's fine Bruce, I understand that you won't be happy at my shows although once I have one, and I an close to getting one, You and Cue are more than welcome to come to my shows. Just let me know if there are any songs that you might want to sing so that I can get them ahead of time if they are available.

The Line Array Experiment is over. Nothing to see here. Move along.

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 Post subject: Re: Maybe It's Just Me?
PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 12:55 pm 
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Thanks for the invite but you can't buy what I want to sing. I make a lot of them for myself. So far, no one has ever refused to play my home made stuff if they have a player in their system. If they don't play discs; I look for another place to sing at.....and I always try to let management know why they won't see me again at their bar or restaurant. If I'm meeting friends ar a place and the KJ can't play discs; I may stay that night to hang out with my friends and find something in the book to sing but I probably wouldn't go back or recommend the place to anyone else who likes to sing, even if they never bring discs with them. Thank god that there are still plenty of KJ's who know how to build up a following by providing a little customer service. Those are the shows that I go to. It's not like I expect the KJ to stand on his head while I'm singing. I just expect him to be able to play more than on kind of file. I remember back in the day when DJ's used turn tables, tape decks and cd players to get the job done.

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 Post subject: Re: Maybe It's Just Me?
PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 1:52 pm 
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BruceFan4Life wrote:
Thanks for the invite but you can't buy what I want to sing. I make a lot of them for myself. So far, no one has ever refused to play my home made stuff if they have a player in their system. If they don't play discs; I look for another place to sing at.....and I always try to let management know why they won't see me again at their bar or restaurant. If I'm meeting friends ar a place and the KJ can't play discs; I may stay that night to hang out with my friends and find something in the book to sing but I probably wouldn't go back or recommend the place to anyone else who likes to sing, even if they never bring discs with them. Thank god that there are still plenty of KJ's who know how to build up a following by providing a little customer service. Those are the shows that I go to. It's not like I expect the KJ to stand on his head while I'm singing. I just expect him to be able to play more than on kind of file. I remember back in the day when DJ's used turn tables, tape decks and cd players to get the job done.

Yep, I do too! In fact I used to carry all of that stuff because I had to, now technology has allowed me to reduce what it takes to run a typical show from a full sized cargo van or box truck down to a Honda Element.

Now instead of making 10 trips to get everything in (one trip for music alone) I can now get everything in in one or two trips.

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 Post subject: Re: Maybe It's Just Me?
PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 2:35 pm 
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BruceFan4Life wrote:
...I may stay that night to hang out with my friends and find something in the book to sing but I probably wouldn't go back or recommend the place to anyone else who likes to sing, even if they never bring discs with them...

How about if the rest of the karaoke experience is great? Great host, system, books, selection, venue, food, prices... "The kj couldn't or wouldn't play my disc so I won't recommend the place to anyone else."

That's a pretty harsh judgement.

DJ Don

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 Post subject: Re: Maybe It's Just Me?
PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 2:48 pm 
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There are plenty of software options that allow a KJ to play a CDG disc through various brands of CD drives. Most newer laptops will play a cdg using a simple program such as karafun or Siglos. The problem seems to be that so many of these computerized KJ feel like they have spent enough money already when they sprung for that loaded hard drive they bought online and they don't want to spend another penny on music or software to play someone else's music. That's why most of these shows don't last very long.

Harsh??? Why should I support a business that doesn't support my desires? When I want a hot dog, I don't go to McDonalds. When I go to a karaoke bar, I want to sing what I WANT TO SING; not what the KJ just happens to have. If I'm going to spend 40 to 50 dollars at a bar/restaurant; I should be able to sing the songs that I brought with me. If enough people complain to management about the KJ not playing discs for customers; the BOSS will either convince the KJ to provide such a service or he will replace him.....or he might just not care at all. Word of mouth is a great way to build a following. It's also a great way to kill a show's reputation with the singing crowd. Yes! Singers do talk to each other about what places are good and which places should be avoided. The first question I ask someone when they tell me about a new place to sing is "DOES THE KJ PLAY DISCS?"

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 Post subject: Re: Maybe It's Just Me?
PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 3:00 pm 
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To those of you who will not allow a customers media...
Get a life.
Try ebay, they have a deal on.

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 Post subject: Re: Maybe It's Just Me?
PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 3:02 pm 
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BruceFan4Life wrote:
There are plenty of software options that allow a KJ to play a CDG disc through various brands of CD drives. Most newer laptops will play a cdg using a simple program such as karafun or Siglos. The problem seems to be that so many of these computerized KJ feel like they have spent enough money already when they sprung for that loaded hard drive they bought online and they don't want to spend another penny on music or software to play someone else's music. That's why most of these shows don't last very long.

Harsh??? Why should I support a business that doesn't support my desires? When I want a hot dog, I don't go to McDonalds. When I go to a karaoke bar, I want to sing what I WANT TO SING; not what the KJ just happens to have. If I'm going to spend 40 to 50 dollars at a bar/restaurant; I should be able to sing the songs that I brought with me. If enough people complain to management about the KJ not playing discs for customers; the BOSS will either convince the KJ to provide such a service or he will replace him.....or he might just not care at all. Word of mouth is a great way to build a following. It's also a great way to kill a show's reputation with the singing crowd. Yes! Singers do talk to each other about what places are good and which places should be avoided. The first question I ask someone when they tell me about a new place to sing is "DOES THE KJ PLAY DISCS?"

The reason I don't employ those program is that my drive does NOT support cdg discs. I don't carry a disc player because I don't want to deal with a video splitter whether it be out side the computer or using the built in one in Compuhost. I don't wish to forget to switch back to compuhost if I don't have to. By leaving the cd player out of my system, I save trips to the car, I don't forget to make the switch (Not Professional to do so).
Even if I did have a cdg capable drive, I still wouldn't use those programs. Too easy to be thought that I was copying the disc while waiting for your turn. It's all in appearances.

The Line Array Experiment is over. Nothing to see here. Move along.

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 Post subject: Re: Maybe It's Just Me?
PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 3:08 pm 
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jerry12x wrote:
To those of you who will not allow a customers media...
Get a life.
Try ebay, they have a deal on.

Oh.. that's cute.

How about, there's no one right way to run a show. You run it your way... Joe runs it his way, I run it mine, Fred runs it yet another way...

It doesn't matter to many if a kj will play their media, because the majority don't bring their own media. At least not around here. It shouldn't give the green light to trash the kj or venue.

DJ Don

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 Post subject: Re: Maybe It's Just Me?
PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 4:39 pm 
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I visited two regular shows and donated discs to both KJs. The KJ of the main show would run the discs off his hardware CDG player initially until he had a chance to rip to his laptop, then would run the tracks off the hard drive subsequently, keeping the discs for 1:1 etc but without adding them to his songbook. Now he has a pretty decent songbook anyway, but I have obscure music tastes.

The KJ of the smaller show had a much smaller songbook and did everything from the hard drive. I would give her the discs and she would have them added to her songbook by the next show. Unfortunately, she has now quit karaoke for pastures new and sold all her equipment (she returned my discs, bless her).
Her gig has been replaced by a KJ who has state of the art equipment and an enormous songbook (possibly the largest karaoke song book in the world). I struggle to find anything I want to sing here, the few of "my" tracks that he has are generally a version I know sucks. I know exactly what to expect with my discs - which I hasten to add are above board and purchased from websites such as Proburn, Chartbuster, Select-a-tack, Clark music etc - but on the other hand I am reluctant to approach him with my discs given the size of his book lest he may take the view of the thread starter.

So, as a punter, I see no real reason why a KJ would refuse my bona fide discs, but I can to some extent level with OP for being a tad miffed by it. Although in my case it's more a case of "you may as well keep the discs 'cos I'll be back every week!"

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 Post subject: Re: Maybe It's Just Me?
PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 4:45 pm 
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YES IT IS YOU! Its called CUSTOMER SERVICE. Lonnie and Joe hit the nail EXACTLY on the head. Use the custys disk if you dont have the song/version/whatever that they want for all the reasons listed. If you do have the song they like then let them know and save them the trouble of bringing up thier discs. Even with your SUBSTANTIAL assortment....you dont have EVERYTHING that a person may want to sing. And I can GUARANTEE that if I came to your show I'd want to sing things you DONT and WONT ever have!
So to Lonnie and Joe you listen...........and you will then live a happier and more stress free KJ life!!

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 Post subject: Re: Maybe It's Just Me?
PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 5:12 pm 
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BT Magic wrote:
Is it me, or is there something kind of rude about people bringing their own music to MY show to sing?

The people that bring their own music to YOUR show, aren't trying to insult you or your collection. They just have the versions they've practiced with and they want to sound good and impress people with how good they are. It's not about you at all. It's about the singer.

I'm sure in a How To Be A Good Host book, (not karaoke, just good host), one of the primary items will be make all the guests feel welcome.

I like bringing my own songs because my tastes are for songs that no one else sings, hence no KJ feels the need to have them in their collection. If a KJ tells me politely, but firmly, that he doesn't play CDs or USBs, then I look through his book and rarely get lucky to find one of the few that I sing. And his bar moves to the bottom of the list of places where I'd like to go. If he has my songs, I'll gladly come back. But several of mine are homemade, so he can't have those.

And when I offer a KJ a usb stick and he says his computer can't play that, then I have to wonder about his veracity. I'd rather just be told, "I don't play outside music."

So if someone comes up to you and says, "I have some homemade songs", does that offend you too? Would you play those?

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 Post subject: Re: Maybe It's Just Me?
PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 5:13 pm 
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djdon wrote:
It doesn't matter to many if a kj will play their media, because the majority don't bring their own media. At least not around here. It shouldn't give the green light to trash the kj or venue.

I get many singers that bring their own discs. I can sometimes have up to 10 customer discs in a single rotation. It is pretty common at our show, but it's also because other shows won't/don't play them - yes these people do state that when they find out I can play discs. But often times they find that I actually have their song anyway - which the other shows didn't to begin with, so I simply tell them I have the same disc and that is one less they will need to bring. Which is why I LOVE the fact that other places don't play customer discs, bring 'em on over to our show.
Again, I do look at what is being sung & if it's something that might be worth adding to my library, if so I will look to get it and have on many occasions. If it is more of a specialty song that don't fit our general crowds or avg genre, I just allow the customer to continue bringing in their disc. I am letting people know that I will no longer accept burned/home made discs anymore and if they are regulars, I would consider getting their songs just to keep the burns at home even if obscure, but don't get a whole lot of these either - most are original discs. I have purchased songs for some people just coming up for a visit from say Portland (hey Swing CatKurt)
Only had a flash drive brought to me once a couple years back but it played fine. Just turn off the auto play.

Only burned discs I will play is local bands/musicians using their own written material.

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