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Posted: Sun May 21, 2006 1:13 am |
50 - 60 gigs a month ain't chop suey. That was with 3 systems and 4-6 workers. I know who gets the jobs around here and I know who works more than anyone else. Which wannabes are always looking for work. The people I trained were all very good with the equipment and the crowd. Never cut one loose until I knew he could handle the job completely to my satisfaction. 1-2 months several nights a week. The more they worked the faster they learned my system and how I expected everything to be done. That included my system for loading and unloading the van, hooking up and trouble shooting the equipment. The rotation and all aspects of a good karaoke job. If they were not ready they went with me or the exwife till they got good. They could do it all sing, dance, juggle, magic tricks, change tires, rebuild transmissions, paint houses, hang glide, cook and clean, electronic repair, balloon animals, tell jokes. Some did turn into jerks and had to be eliminated. Buried them out back. But only a few. Fired one guy for stealing money. He asked me what to do if the van needed gas. I told him to fill it up with my money and get a receipt. He gave me a gas reciept time-dated at 11:30 PM. The gigs were 9-1 PM. How did he manage that????? His old lady filled up his car, while he was working. I'm stupid, but give me a little credit. They were very happy to make $75 cash every night, with my stuff. For a four hour gig. All of my systems were the same quality. I actually thought about putting together a Barbie & Ken (Walmart) system so I could be my own competition. If the stupid bar owner only wanted to pay $100. I could give him half of a system and half the songs, like everyone else. I would still have the job. $100 in my pocket is better than 0.
[highlight=crimson]Rob, you are 100% right. You hit the nail right on the head.  Piracy ain't killing anybody, your killing yourself. You're blaming piracy for your short comings.[/highlight]
I can't get that kind of money around here. If I asked $250 - 300, I would sit at home every night. Too many... wouldn't say pirates, just junk systems, that will work for food.
If your system is only as good as the rest of the competition, then you look just like them to the stupid bar owners. So why should he hire you over them? Can you prove you and your system are better and worth more? Half the people on here just said they only do enough to get by. I would never spend that much.... when I can get by... with this. The only thing getting by.... is your competition, getting by you. For some reason they are better than you, they work more. So you better figure out why and play catch-up.
I'll tell you the problem. It's just like the karaoke singing contest crybabies. I was better than them. If you were, you would have won..... Nobody ever thinks or wants to admit that someone can be better than they are. We're Americans and we don't like losers. I know a KJ that swears his system is second sounding next to mine. And he'll admit to anyone that mine is better sounding than his. I've heard him tell people and other KJs. Everybody else knows it sucks, but him. In his fantasy world it might be. He uses 2 speakers on poles that are less than half the size of my tops. No bottoms. It's poor to fair sounding, at best. In fact me and the girlfriend or ex wife went to see him one night and I was so disgusted with the sound I didn't sing.
I have been posting quality business building suggestions on here about how I became a very successful KJ. Things that have absolutely worked and been proven to work. If you are unwilling or too bull headed to use them don't cry to me about it. This is America. Rob, be honest have I ever posted anything here to hurt anyone's ability to make good money doing karaoke? Any bad advice. Anything you wouldn't do in your business? Anything to sabotage anyone? Take money from anyone's pocket? Like Rob said work on your system. Be better. Or be the best. Would you hire someone in the top 10% or the bottom 10. Get into the top 10%. Put yourself up with the best. I don't know what that will take if it's an equipment upgrade or sharpening your business skills. But doing what you're doing now ain't working that good, by your own admission. And don't even say I'm putting you down. Change something, even if it's wrong. You'll only find out what works for you, by doing it. Sing two songs and call me in the morning.
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Posted: Mon May 22, 2006 11:07 am |
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Joined: Mon Mar 03, 2003 8:46 pm Posts: 472 Location: MONTREAL, QUEBEC, CANADA Been Liked: 0 time
I've got 2 Kj's who work for me when needed. And like Bigdog I expect the same professionalism from them that I give. I have found out about a couple of my KJ's exepting bribes for bumping and they got the boot. I also give incentives and if they find a show for me I split the pay 50 - 50 no matter how much it is. I had a Kj of mine who tagged a wedding gig for $600. once and we walked away with $300. each. See this way I pay more that the other karaoke co. in town but expect more in return. Most who work for me usually last for a few years and remain happy. So Bigdog most of what you say is true but not usually teachable to most folks. Most have to find out on their own how big or small they wanna be and how they want their business to run. I think it's all about human nature, Whomever works for you must be a lot like yourself if you are doing well in this business. Because it's all about fun and putting on a show. whether it's recognizing the quiet times (when to just play music) To the wild times(when to turn the music up and start belting out some tunes) But everyone must know how to get the mood going.
_________________ ROBDOG *WOOF WOOF*
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Posted: Mon May 22, 2006 3:05 pm |
Joined: Thu Nov 07, 2002 2:40 am Posts: 7468 Location: Kansas City, MO Been Liked: 1 time
Robdog and Bigdog (HEY, I SUSPECT A CANINE CONSPIRACY!!), the point I was making is that when you only pay the "hired help" a low wage like that, NATURALLY they're going to supplement their income.
The KJ is doing ALL the work. He or she is taking the system, and making it sound good. Making the singers sound as good as they can, and running the show as professionally as possible.
To get paid by the bar and have the KJ give a majority of it back to the "owner" of the karaoke company would in my mind create tension... sheesh, all a kj has to do is get their own equipment & discs, and they're set! Granted, it's not that easy as we all know, but that is an IMMEDIATE thought by those doing the hard work where the owner is sitting back profiting the way those figures indicate.
Anyway, I eliminated that by paying the kj that worked for me the majority, and I made a small amount of profit after it was all said and done, and I was happy to do it that way. because I trusted this kj to do the right thing to the bar and the singer/customers.
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Posted: Mon May 22, 2006 8:44 pm |
Most people (including my guys) don't make $75 a day in a real (eight hour a day) job. $75 cash, no taxes=$100 at least. [highlight=crimson]Four hour gigs.[/highlight] What am I missing? My $45,000 investment (in each system, at the time), my gas, my van insurance, my repairs. Why shouldn't I make more money on a gig? If your boss or company consistantly pays it's employees more than they make in profit, I would be worried and looking for another job, because they don't know what they are doing. That's just plain bad business. I'm glad my (real job) company made more than they paid me. It's still there. My competition pays $50 or less. I'm a share the wealth kind a guy. My guys actually made more than me by the time I paid everything else. Around here, $75 cash is very fair. I paid them from day one to learn how do do it. I'm a high paying employer. If my out go, is consistantly more than my intake, I won't be around long. Nor will [highlight=crimson]any[/highlight] other business or individual. That is a standard, good financial practice. [highlight=crimson] TO INSURE YOUR FINANCIAL SURVIVAL, EVERYONE MUST MAKE A PROFIT, PERIOD.[/highlight]
I just sold a complete system and a van. The price included going with me as many nights as they wanted, for 6 months. I taught them [highlight=crimson]everything[/highlight] I have learned for the last 14 years. I'm still giving them a hand finding jobs, troubleshooting help and business related matters. Right now, they work 3 nights a week at $175 cash a night, for four hours. They both work full time (real) jobs.
Two guys that use to work for me, bought their own systems. If they had equipment payments, vehicle payments, insurance payments, etc. How much did they clear a night? Now, with all of those payments, they have to work steady for 3-5 years, or they can't pay their bills. That is one reason they work for less than I charge. PAYMENTS..... to keep from starving.... They made more working for me. You pay me $100 cash, I'll work for you. You won't spend 30 seconds teaching me anything. You'll be paying me more than that, to teach you.
Think about this....
Many of the bartenders/waitresses have told me they make $150-200 in tips, plus their wage, on my karaoke night.
[highlight=crimson]No investment in anything[/highlight], but a sexy blouse and a tight pair of jeans. And that's the guys. LMAO
I'm bringing in 800 pounds of equipment, worth $50,000, discs and everything else, for $175. Is that fair to me??? :no: I'm checking into implants.  Two of the girls got them..... all four of them.... look real nice. :shock: :shock: :yes: :drool:
10-15 years ago around here, DJs got $300 - 400 on week nights. KJ undercutters fixed that. We do a whole lot more than a DJ. And pay twice as much for the music.
P.S. If I were you, I'd get a rabies shot..... we bite......... 
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Posted: Sun Jun 04, 2006 6:46 pm |
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Joined: Fri Sep 30, 2005 4:17 am Posts: 13 Location: Raleigh, NC Been Liked: 0 time
Within the last 30 days a KJ in another area of our state was found to have suddenly gotten a few new gigs. Local legal KJ's called a manufacturer and within 24 hours they had obtained warrants and had seised all of his copies and equipment. He is now facing massive legal issues.
_________________ For a Kickin' Good Time!
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Posted: Sun Jun 04, 2006 8:18 pm |
Joined: Mon Dec 10, 2001 3:57 pm Posts: 22978 Songs: 35 Images: 3 Location: Tacoma, WA Been Liked: 2126 times
kegparty @ Sun Jun 04, 2006 6:46 pm wrote: Within the last 30 days a KJ in another area of our state was found to have suddenly gotten a few new gigs. Local legal KJ's called a manufacturer and within 24 hours they had obtained warrants and had seised all of his copies and equipment. He is now facing massive legal issues.
Good deal, keep us informed! Which manufacturer was contacted? If they are that responsive, there are a couple that need whistle blowing up here as well.
_________________ LIKE Lonman on Facebook - Lonman Productions Karaoke & my main site via my profile!
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Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2006 9:34 pm |
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Joined: Fri Sep 30, 2005 4:17 am Posts: 13 Location: Raleigh, NC Been Liked: 0 time
Hey Lonnie, not going to mention any names here... I'm not going to get into the right and wrong of it at this point. It happened and I will say I had the pleasure of knowing the two guys who turned them in.
_________________ For a Kickin' Good Time!
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Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 7:16 am |
Joined: Sun Jan 11, 2004 10:43 am Posts: 594 Location: Seattle, WA Been Liked: 0 time
kegparty @ Mon Jun 05, 2006 9:34 pm wrote: Hey Lonnie, not going to mention any names here...
That's pretty stupid, he asked which manufacturer was contacted so he can possibly do the same. Why keep THAT info to yourself?
Chartbuster is one that seems to be on the bandwagon right now. Here is a letter they sent out not too long ago for those who haven't seen it.
"Is the illegal buring and copying of Karaoke CD+G's hurting your business ?
Of course it is, We here at Chartbuster Karaoke want to help you take back what you have lost. In 2006 Chartbuster Karaoke wil lbegin a campaign targeting people and businesses in your area that continue to burn or copy CD+G karaoke discs and/or illegally download karaoke music onto disc or computer hard drives.
We know how much this affects us, you as a business, your regular customers and the karaoke industry. We need your help in targeting these people. We are asking that you send in information to Chartbuster Karaoke on the people and businesses in your area that continue to do harm by copying, buring and download.
Please forward as much information as possible including: name, address, phone number, club and/or store information to the below address. All information will remain confidential.
Chartbuster Karaoke 10840 Chapman Hwy. Seymour, TN 37931 email: illegal at chartbusterkaraoke.com obviously make it an email
We are Making a stand in 2006 to ensure that these people are stopped, Illegal copying, buring and downloading hurts your business, our business and the entire karaoke industry"
_________________ [shadow=deepskyblue]I'm impressed, I've never met such a small mind inside such a big head before.[/shadow]
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Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 9:58 pm |
Joined: Thu Nov 07, 2002 2:40 am Posts: 7468 Location: Kansas City, MO Been Liked: 1 time
well, I own about four of their discs...
they can BITE me. I'll never buy another product from those that attack those that SUPPORT them.
Illegal downloaders I can understand. But those that buy their product and run 1:1 copies or converted to computer?? Screw 'em!
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Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 2:32 am |
Joined: Wed Sep 04, 2002 12:41 pm Posts: 4094 Location: Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada Been Liked: 309 times
Once again Matt continues to flaunt the law as if he is the victim. Gotta love that.
_________________ You can be strange but not a stranger
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Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 12:24 pm |
Joined: Wed Dec 01, 2004 1:13 pm Posts: 627 Location: TN Been Liked: 1 time
t-towntenor, just curious. Was this a letter YOU recieved or a copy someone forwarded on to you? I ask because, for one, there are several misspellings in it that I don't believe a legit company would do. Also I have not been able to find anything on their web site relating this information. Please understand, I'm not doubting you, just wondering where the info came from.
I'm considering writing Sound Choice and Chartbusters myself to ask the question many of us "Legal digital KJ's" (that may be an oxymoron.  ) have only read where "he said; she said."
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Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 2:09 pm |
Joined: Mon Dec 10, 2001 3:57 pm Posts: 22978 Songs: 35 Images: 3 Location: Tacoma, WA Been Liked: 2126 times
I know a got a letter similar to that one through an email from Chartbuster & there was an ad in our local karaoke paper with the same article.
_________________ LIKE Lonman on Facebook - Lonman Productions Karaoke & my main site via my profile!
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Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 8:40 pm |
Joined: Thu Nov 07, 2002 2:40 am Posts: 7468 Location: Kansas City, MO Been Liked: 1 time
Oh, I think CB and any manufacturer can protect their product all they want. But they're targeting all "copiers" under the same swipe of a sword.
For someone that purchased their product before ripping them to my harddrive, I find that offensive, despite what the copyright law states.
That's fine. I just won't do business with them. From the CURRENT situation, that's a no brainer. I'll even remove the four discs I have from my list. It's about twelve songs total that I'll have to replace with other manufacturers, or just "lose" them during the next book printing.
As I said before, if the manufacturers DO get to be able to do this with their product, then I'll just sell my stuff and go out of the business. I won't have a manufacturer dictate to me how I can best serve my company and customers.
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Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2006 3:38 am |
Joined: Wed Sep 04, 2002 12:41 pm Posts: 4094 Location: Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada Been Liked: 309 times
You keep going on about the manufacturers. It is the government and btw every national governement on Earth that have copyright laws. So if you have a beef blame the government, not the manufacturers. So you're telling me that they have no right to protecting their products. I guess then anyone should be able to use Coke or Pepsi or Ford or whatever they wish.
_________________ You can be strange but not a stranger
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Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2006 3:51 am |
Joined: Thu Nov 07, 2002 2:40 am Posts: 7468 Location: Kansas City, MO Been Liked: 1 time
Tim, read the FIRST line of what I wrote! I said that they CAN... I just won't purchase their stuff if they target users like myself.
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Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2006 7:38 am |
Joined: Sun Nov 27, 2005 11:31 am Posts: 5418 Location: Watebrury, CT Been Liked: 412 times
What knightshow is saying is It's okay if they go after the ones that are really hurting the industry, people who don't have an original disc or receipt (in case it was a legal download) to prove they actually paid for the disc. Those that are disc based who are so called Paranoid that the manufacturer might pull a Pioneer and go out of the business where the product isn''t even available for repurchase feel that they are justified to protect their investment in the discs by copying hem and not using the original. MTU has paid for a study that states that people are within their rights to do so as long as they are buying the original product to back up their copies, whether it be a cd-r copy or a hard drive copy. What Knightshow is saying is that computer dj's have the right to take a stand that just because they are digital does not make them pirates. What makes them pirates is if they never paid a dime (exception for the rule is if they got them as gifts and have the original to back them up) for their collection and don't have origianls or receipts to prove they are legit.
One of the reasons a big boycott of Sound CHoice products was the Mediacloq issue.
Chartbuster may just be biting off more than they can chew, because if they go after those Karaoke hosts that do have legitimate copies then they may find themselves wasting their dollars on frivilous lawsuits.
_________________ The Line Array Experiment is over. Nothing to see here. Move along.
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Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2006 6:13 pm |
Even if your are totally innocent, what will it cost you to defend the phoney charges. Be it time, money, in lost wages, lawyer fees. Name in the paper. Bar owners not wanting the unfavorable advertising. You can be accused of something everyday. It costs peanuts to accuse. Hunderds to thousands to defend.
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