BlueStainedShoes @ Wed Feb 22, 2006 10:01 am wrote:
TWENTY ONE USERS??? What has happened? Is there a party going on today that I wasn't invited to? :crying2: Where is everybody? We don't even have many Guests today!!!
ok I SO skipped the second page, but I'm gonna actually answer Charmin's question and stay on TOPIC!!

someone get a pen and write that down!
weeeell...... On the 18 (saturday) my big brother got married!! EEEEEEHEHEHEHE!! I love weddin's! So that day was completely taken over by family obligations!
THEN on Sunday (19).... we had some friends over for the whole day..... they were here for about 12-13 hours.... don't ask me what we did..... there was a lot of booze involved.... and some movies..... and WAY too much garlicy food (spinach dip, guacamole, pizza, hot wings)
THEN on Monday (20) Which is a holiday for us Albertans.... I had to work... Ty had an old buddy over.... they played Civ for the whole entiiiiiiiire day, so I had no 'puter..... and then that night, starting at midnight, I got reeeeeally sick..... puked ma guts out (aren't you glad I shared that?) It was either a flu.... or all that garlicy-fatty food mentioned above...
THEN on TUESDAY (21) I went to work... only to call in another girl cuz I was STILL sick! ew! so I slept that WHOLE DAY.... and I mean the WHOOOOLE day! it was fabulous!
THEN on Wednesday (22) - I worked..... came home..... did nuthin..... made a couple posts, but missed half the stuff that's goin on, so I'm a bit lost
and TODAY (23) I have waaaaaaaaaaay too much time on my hands..... hence this novel I'm writing to ya!
There...... that's where I've been. I might post a weddin' pic.... cuz I know how much ladies love a wedding! Even if they don't know them! hahaha!