djfrank @ Mon Feb 20, 2006 4:16 pm wrote:
Just something doesn't sit right with me here... Our gov't loves the sale of ciggies since they get fat and happy by taxing them.. Now they are telling people they can't do it because it's not healthy in BARS of all places ? Dunno...
I am pretty sure that the government spends a lot more money in health care in treating diseases caused by smoking.... like cancer, heart disease, bronchitis, emphysema, and stroke than they take in tax revenues... could be wrong though.
Get serious, if smokes were all that deadly, then any RESPONSIBLE gov would OUTLAW it completely....Tobacco is nothing more to them than a taxable commodity....
Our cost to support and provide health care to unwed mothers and their offspring is ten-maybe 50 times the costs of health care for smokers.