I took the tech_files link down due to one of the people that made a couple of the tutorials got mad at me as I took it, and converted it for my usage... that person accused me of plagarism. All I was doing was grabbing useful tutorials to help folks. Not making a dime off any of this... and I was trying to cut down on the sheer amount of time I was helping folks by just pointing to a link.
so screw it, I took them down.
http://www.karaoke-forum.com/viewtopic. ... light=716a we discussed this drive.
http://www.rockit2000.com/RockItProDJ-A ... pping.html
Instead of grabbing to CD, click on the CD and slide down to Karaoke and then over to the option you want.
If you don't have LAME installed or some other kind of compression software, you'll have to go to .bin or .wav.
If you need the LAME file, do an internet search for it...
http://www.dll-files.com/dllindex/dll-f ... l?lame_enc is one place to find it.