That's right, the same kit I got last year. I went to Moore Music and got to play on a Roland TD-12S and a TD-6S. Same day I got the DTXPress and traded her plus paid 400 more dollars for the TD-6S. I also ordered another cymbal, a CY12R (other cymbals were 8 inch pads, wanted a 12 inch just for something different and needed a third cymbal anyway) and the clamps for it.
Don't have pics yet as I'm waiting for everything to get shipped (didn't want the store demo kit but a brand new kit) but pics and info can be found here: ... arentId=60
They also had the Yamaha DTXtreme II there. If I had the extra 500 bucks I would have left with it. Nice kit, and the pads felt better than the tom pads on the Roland, but not as good as the snare pad on the Roland. The full kit should arrive by Feb 28. What do you all think?
And yes, I use my drums during karaoke for some shows. Great for dance music or if the person singing karaoke requests it to give them the illusion of a live band.