mlawrenc @ Tue Jan 24, 2006 9:42 pm wrote:
the problem is that i have tried many of the different settings (delayed reverb, hall reverb, etc) and I do hear some effects, however, when i am speaking I can hear the echo/reverb,
You should make sure the effects are off when you are speaking, it makes it hard to hear talking with effects.
but when the singers strat to sing I can not really hear any effects at all that are impressive (even with the main effects button set way high)!
In the upper right corner there is an EFX to Main, turn this up to about 5 to start. Now on the channel you want to effect, turn it up until your hear it. I prefer a nice room reverb myself for most songs (although I run multiple effects with separate delays as well). The key to effects is - if you can HEAR it, it's too much, BUT you will notice it if it isn't there (although some songs are obvious exceptions).
Also, can anyone tell me what color/tone button does and should this be on for singers? Thanks again for any suggestions! Confused karaoke girl!
This control adjusts the high frequency content of the effects, so on a reverb setting, it will definately affect how it sounds. When using a delay setting, this controls the feedback or depth (how many times you'll hear it repeat).
Don't know if you have the manual for your mixer or not, but here it is.
I always stress to kj's, KNOW YOUR EQUIPMENT! No i'm not yelling at you, but this will give you some basic understanding of what each thing on your board does.