maxse @ Sat Dec 31, 2005 3:19 am wrote:
Hi guys. Im a newbie here and I need some help. It all started when I saw this at a friends house. He simply had a DVD (Mpeg2) with some background images anw the lyrics etc... I thought it was awesome and it was a hit at that party.
Well I just built my home theater and have a 92" screen so I think it will come out great if I can do something like this. The only problem is I am having trouble understanding what is the point of all these cdgs and mp3+g and systems when you can just get a regular mpeg2 dvd that will plan on any DVD player. Can you guys please explain this to me.
Also unfortunately my reciever does not have any mic inputs, but I have a lot of regular RCA inputs available. I dont have any mics so I will need to get them. Which mics can you recommend? I would like 2 cordless mics, but I want them to sound good no hiss or anything. I am willing to spend around $300 on te mics. What do you think? Can I get any good wireless mics for this price? Anyway can you guys (since you're the experts) recommend what I should do in my case? How would I connect the mics to my reciever? A mixer? If so which one? Basically I would appreciate some help. I am searching the forums now but I sddont know where to begin or what to even search for in my case. Thanks everyone in advance.
DVD karaoke I believe is going the way of laserdisc. There is just not enough time to create decent videos to play behind the lyrics and keep up the pace with CD+G which is the standard amounst the disc based systems. Mp3+G happens to be the digital encoded standard for computer based systems. It is also nothing more than an encoded file imported from a CD+G disc.
If It is just for home use, all you would need to add is a mixer to connect your mikes that you can get cheaply enough at Radio Shack. $300 is more than enough for mikes if it is for home use. after rereading your post I would look into a more pro setup as the home versions of equipment is not compatable with decent wireless mikes. Make sure ther are no neon signs or lights on as they will interfere with any wireless if their frequency matches your mikes. for home I would reckomend wired.