This is a direct response to the David Alan Coe thread. It comes from an old cowboy in Colorado that his early philosophy was shaped by his grandfather for all the men in the family were in the Pacific, France , Germany, and many places to fight the war that would end all wars..I knew at an early age one didnt break horses they trained them, never used a whip or used spurs, treated all women with an eternal respect, and never abused them in any way whether they were a lady or a hooker.A fight is one on one and never hit a man while he was down. If a stranger showed up in town give him or his family a temp job and send them on their way with a full stomach and enuff money to get closer to the things they were looking for and not judge them... He said it took 6 generations to make a true breed of horse, dog or a gentleman. I think it was Zane Grey who said it took many generations to make a cowboy and it will take many more to lose them.That day is close at hand and alot of the old cowboys chasing the herd in the sky are laughing at whats going down now.. They can laugh because they are not regulated or have to put up with the crap in this country now. If somebody tried to tell them how to think what they could say or have to play a role that siuted the political correctness they would knock you on your
What does this have to do with music? And freedoms? I have been involved in history changing events (military and civil) and watched the media report events according to their political views or controlled by a more and more corrupt government. I have watched groups and liberals try to and actually change history to suade public opinion and promote their perverted mores and pass laws to control the masses, I have witnessed social engineers turn a society into one that doesnt know the difference between a man or woman and have actually got them in a gender war. Familys no longer pray, sing or eat together because the day is gone when a man or woman either one could work 40 hours a week and support a big family for they are too busy surviving.
The arts and music industry was one of the few left that practised the old freedoms. Now you liberal bastards want to tell them what they can write what they can write about and censor certain words. The chinese now have filters on the net where their citizens cant mention liberty freedom or human rights
Article Is this what you want? If any of you come in our bars and try to tell us we cant sing certain songs or try to regulate the language or tell us we cant express ourselvs I will kick your f*** A** all the way back you came from...You can rear your children in a pickle jar but dont put a bubble around my kids or friends. And dont tell them what to sing or what drum to march to.... We got our own drums....If you want to come in our bars leave your drum at home....