1.) how long do you work on a song to, "Get it right"
2.) Do you sometimes just give up and say, that’s good enough for SS?
3.)What do you find the most difficult laying down a song? (Mix, vocals, pitch, timing,
4.) Weasels jumping at your throat?
#1 how long? hmmmmm, like everyone else it depends on the song, and how well i know it.....it can take from 1 to 5 times....depends...
#2....not really, on most songs i'll try to do my best ...for that day anyway....each day is different...if i can't get something right? i'll just sit it a side and come back to it later....
#3 i find that mixing takes the most time, i really don't spend alotta time on any of it, but lord knows i should....one of the hardest things for me to do is to find the right key....each key change forces me to sing that song differenly....a song can go from country to blues just by changing the key, to me thats a blast, but can take time......phraseing is another thing i spend alotta time on, and making sure if the song calls for emotion, then there better be some in the song....if ur smiling as you sing, i cryed a river over you, somethings wrong....JMO....truth is i have cryed singing many songs, depends on the words and how they touch me that day.....ok did i tell to much...