Sorry, long post
I didn't mean to sound like I have the best show in the west. I'm sorry if I sounded like I did.....
[quote]How much singing do YOU, as host do?[/quote]
- I start out first song to sound check. I will sing when there are less than 6 in the rotation, but only to get the energy up and counter against too many slow sleepy ballads. I myself can sing on the other nights of the week at other places and realize these people are paying the light bill.......
[quote]Is your sound system REALLY all that great[/quote]
-I think it is(but this set up is what I listen to most of the time)..... I have had many compliments on our sound(I know a lot of KJ's also do) but this was one of the reasons for my original question. We have many, many bars in this area that don't eq or know how to eq, rely on cheaper equipment(home stereo reciever as an amp, sub par speakers, etc...). These bars have the crowds, so that is why I even pondered the "sound being too good" theory....
[quote]What's your music selection like?[/quote]
-I would say somewhere between 4500-5000 songs. We have the Pioneer Laserdisc set 1-50 and 20+ others and then around 230 CDGs. Always buying more, of course.....
[quote]most karaoke shows have a core of followers that are loyal as hell. These are NOT the people you need to be talking to.[/quote]
-I try to talk to everybody.....
[quote]Do you run a fair rotation or do your "regulars" get special favors?[/quote]
-Nobody gets special favors. I will not p@$# 10 people off to make one person happy. We have had regulars come in late, so the show(which runs from 9 to 1) goes until closing time(2 am on our own time). Everybody sings, of course, I just mean that when we have people to sing we'll go over our time....
[quote]How many other karaoke operators are in your immediate area?[/quote]
-We have several..... I am in the Boise, Id area and we are saturated(just like the rest of the country).....
[quote]what are you doing to make your show different/better/stand out?[/quote]
-Well, looking around, I thought good sound was going to do it..... I'm learning...... Anyhoo, our last gig was a sports bar, so we had huge HDTV's for lyrics, wireless mics(you could stroll around the room or sit at your table or do whatever you wanted to.). Our rotation was quick with one person passing the Mic off to the next.
[quote]Finally, what are YOU doing to promote your shows?[/quote]
-We had our trailer out in front of the bar. They have a digital marquee also. They didn't want to advertise more than that.
[quote] Are you doing anything to help share the pain with them, or are you just chugging along at full price[/quote]
-Actually this is where we were the most helpful. We really like the bar(close to home, we left our stuff there, good people to work with....). We originally started out charging half price for the first 4 weeks(I thought this was a lot, but I learned later that some will do reduced price for a lot longer. I'm learning....). Anyhoo, things weren't taking off very fast, so every night we sat down with the owner and decided a fair price compared to the crowd. By doing this, we were originally going to end it in November, but held on until January.
In a nutshell a lot of things were working against us-some were:
-it was a new/refurbished establishment
-It was a sports bar/resturaunt and also high drink prices
-the smoking law sucks for our customers
-no/little advertising
-crappy service by their waitstaff
-saturated karaoke market
-large number of water drinkers(I do like the idea of selling coupons for drinks at the door....- I think Lonman's idea??? Its a good one...)
-Possibly our inexperience on how to get around some of these issues.....
These aren't complaints, just some background that I didn't add at the beginning....
Although it sucks to lose this gig, we have learned a lot from it and have more experience for the next one!