tigger wrote:
You are now officially a member of Group Two. Welcome amigo.
You have somehow gained the ability to see a naked Emporer.
Please be aware that if you are honest about any sub that sucks, you will be attacked viciously.
Also be aware that there are others who've gone thru the process and who understand exactly what you are feeling and hearing. They can lend you support.
Above all, be proud of yourself for the risk you took by being honest!!!!
Ah, good ol' 'Group 2' heheh
(why can't WE be 'group 1'?? How come we have to be second...)
Um anyway, ya know what kkid?? If it sucks, you certainly have the right to say you didn't enjoy the song and rank it appropriately (assuming it is a 'critique me' sub). From experience, it's certainly better to do this in a kind manner if possible, and it's best to say 'why' you didn't like it if you can.
Yes, some people will be offended, others will be surprisingly gracious (and sometimes even thankful).
Carry on...
OH!! and Gilly... you will always be my Naked Empress *batting eyelashes*