Normally that's the way I am. I'm really hyper. Not painfully shy like I've been in here so far as a newbie

Give me some time, eventually I'll come out've my shell and post more

I'm starting to express my artistic opinion in the comment boxes on others submissions ....and, My fingers, They don't seem to know when to stop typing. I can't take them anywhere.

(note to self: Critique doesn't mean allow certain opinionated aspects to leak into comment box)...............Off to castigate my fingers
OK, going on day 3 with no sleep, this can't be too healthy, Suns up, end of another great day.... later. God forbid I get even more delerious and submit something in the showcase.
(sun isn't up at 1:48AM, this has been modified since)
Additional notes to self:
1) Don't attempt humor when exhausted
2) Don't post anything in comment boxes when exhausted
DISCLAIMER: The characters portrayed in here

are fictitious, any resemblence to living, or deceased individuals is purely fictitious !