LStoner wrote:
Hi. I'm still waiting to hear from someone who could help me. I decided to post here in the hopes that it will give me a better chance.
I posted a couple of times about getting started from scratch. I keep getting answers telling me to download all this software stuff for editing. Here's my issue...I don't have the time or savvy to be doing a bunch of editing. I have a Karaoke system/DVD player hooked up to my TV. And to that system I have a nice set of Gemini microphones hooked up to. I have a ton of CD+G discs to play on this system.
What I want to know is, can't I just record from this system to my PC without having to do ripping, mixing, editing, etc.? Isn't there just a simple hookup I can do between my system and PC? I'm okay with running a line of some sort between the two if it's possible. I'm also okay with doing a simple file conversion and compression. If this isn't possible somehow, I'm afraid I won't be able to do any submitting.
Thanks in advance,
Lee Ann
First, could you please tell us what kind of sound card you have on your PC?
Is your PC currently connected to a home sound system?