Ok, I didn't go directly to you and ask for help but this forum and all the members helped me out last night big time. I have spent may hours going throught the foums taking in what I can before I even became a member.
Our equipment stays at the bar we work at so over the weekend I brought it home for some minor repair. Light on mixer flickering on and of. Turns out it was a loose nut. Tested eqipment (ok sang some songs) to make sure everything alright.
Last night set the system up at the bar and what you know I'm getting some crackling throght the speakers. What the blank blank is wrong? Check all connections, everthing great. problem still there. Then I notice my falt light flickering on my amp. Oh no big problems? Ok, bad speaker wire? I shut down and move wires around. Still nothing. Finally I start unpluging the spakers one at a time and there it is, one of the bar spakers is the problem. I asked if the speaker wire to one of the spakers could have been unplugged when they were decoration. Oh no she says.
Grab a ladder and over to the speaker I go. There it is the speaker wire came loose and the tip fell onto a can light grounding the tip. Plugged the speaker back in and back in business we go.
Moral of the story.....
Do not panic, take the time to read all the forum has to offer current and archives and read your manuals, know your equipment.
Thanks to everyone here and this awsume forum.