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PostPosted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 5:38 pm 
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I'm trying to hook up my Microverb 4 to my mixer and am not getting anywhere.

From the documentation for the mixer and processor it appears that I can run a mono output channel (Aux Send 1) to the (L) input of the processor. Then connecting the (L) & (R) outputs from the processor to the (L) & (R) stereo returns (1) on the mixer.

I've done this but I don't get any effects or noticeable difference in sound. I've tried adjusting both the Aux 1 Send and the Stereo Return and still nothing.

I'm using 1/4" mono cables for my connections. So I'm not sure if I'm using the wrong kind of cables or not doing something right on the mixer.

I'd appreciate any help you guys/gals can provide.

Thanks in advance.

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 5:59 pm 
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Never mind.....I figured it out. I overlooked the Aux controls for each channel and needed to adjust that as well as the stereo returns.

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 6:22 pm 
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I did the same thing when I hooked up my board

I'll be alright as long as there's light from a neon moon

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 8:59 am 
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Had some family and friends over weekend before last and after hooking up a second mic I realized that I was unable to use the mute function.

Here's how I have everything setup:
Mic 1 (Channel 1) via XLR
Mic 2 (Channel 1) via XLR

Aux Send 1 to Microverb L-input via 1/4" cable
Microverb Out L&R to Stereo Return 1 L&R via 1/4" cable

Aux Send 2 run directly to a powered floor monitor.

Karaoke Player goes through Digital Key Changer with A/V switch and then connected to the mixer at tape input via RCA

Main Outs connected to powered cabs.

I realize that I won't be able to mute the player set up in the fashion, but I'm also unable to mute Mic's 1 and/or 2. Alt 3/4 isn't being assigned to Main Mix as I understand part of the ability of this mixer is to re-route through Alt 3/4 and be able to assign that to main mix as well.

Any ideas? I'm sure it's something trivial or stupid, but for the life of me can't figure it out.

From looking at the diagrams for the mixer and processor it appears I have everything hooked up properly.

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 9:36 am 
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OK, first, I have no idea why you say you can't mute mic 1&2. There's no reason that shouldn't work that I can see. Second, you have 4 Stereo channels on that console, I'd recommend using them. Instead of using a stereo return for the output from your effects unit, bring those outputs into channel 9/10. The same goes for your player. Instead of bringing it in on the tape input (where you have no control), get two rca to 1/4" adapters and bring the player in on channel 11/12. Bringing them in on channel strips gives you mute and EQ control plus level control that you'd otherwise not have. Aux 1 to the Alesis and Aux 2 to your monitor should work just as you've described it. However, I would suggest reversing those as well. Put the Alesis on Aux 2 which is post fader meaning that the level of signal going to that aux send (presumably your vocals) will be proportionate (controlled in part by) the position of the fader for that mic channel. This is how you want effects. Put the monitor on Aux 1 and set the Pre/Post switch in the Aux 1 master section to Pre. This will allow you to set the level of signal sent to the monitor regardless of the position of the fader for that channel (Meaning your monitor mix can be different from your main mix).

This should allow you the ability to mute each and every input and get all the control over your monitors and mix that you could ever want.

** EDIT ** It just hit me what you're saying about the mics. The problem is that you're using that tape input. You can't selectively assign either 3/4 or tape to main mix. Either they both are or they both are not assigned to the main mix. The assign to main mix button controls them both. The buttons above in the Control Room Source box labeled Main Mix, Alt 3/4 and Tape only control whether or not those signals are sent to the control room outputs on the back of the console. So set up your board like I described above, dis-engage the "Assign to Main Mix" button and you'll be good to go.

DJ Tony
Let It Rip Karaoke

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 9:55 am 
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letitrip @ Tue Jul 27, 2010 11:36 am wrote:
** EDIT ** It just hit me what you're saying about the mics. The problem is that you're using that tape input. You can't selectively assign either 3/4 or tape to main mix. Either they both are or they both are not assigned to the main mix. The assign to main mix button controls them both. The buttons above in the Control Room Source box labeled Main Mix, Alt 3/4 and Tape only control whether or not those signals are sent to the control room outputs on the back of the console. So set up your board like I described above, dis-engage the "Assign to Main Mix" button and you'll be good to go.

So the Tape and Alt 3/4 buttons to assign to Main Mix both do the exact same thing and control both Tape and Alt3/4? Then why would there be two seperate buttons?

**EDIT**- I see it now. Those buttons are for the control room, but they are grouped together for the Assign to Main Mix.

That makes perfect sense now. I'll re-route my player and to fix the mute issue and I'll swap my Alt sends as suggested.

Thanks letitrip!!

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 10:06 am 
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No worries man, Mackie always seems to add something strange like that on every desk. They draw those goofy lines on the board but for most people all they do is cause more confusion than help. Anyway, hang in there, you're gonna be rockin' that rig real soon, and it will all slowly make more and more sense the more you play with it.

DJ Tony
Let It Rip Karaoke

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 10:54 am 
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I guess it would also make sense to Pan 11 & 12 Left or Right respectably to their input from the player?

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 11:06 am 
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No, 11 & 12 are together on a single Stereo channel strip. So the L input (channel 11) is assigned to the Left main bus and the R input (Channel 12) to the Right main bus. Panning the channel to the left would send both L&R signals to the Left main bus, panning it right would send both to the Right main bus. So for both your stereo channels, keep the pan in the center where Left goes to left and right goes to right.

DJ Tony
Let It Rip Karaoke

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 11:12 am 
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Oh ok I see that now. Am at work. Just looked at a diagram of the board and see now that 11/12 are together. I would have probably figured it out soon enough once I got home...lol.

Thanks again!

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