I have received several inquiries regarding posting into the Events Calendar, asking what is permitted and what is not.
Let me clarify our position:
1) Special Events - This would be a special, one time occurrence. We will be the final judges of its "specialness."
2) Contests - This means contests, enough said.
No other event is to be entered into the Event Calendar.The Events Calendar is not a place to advertise regular Karaoke shows, venues or KJs. If these are posted; they will be deleted. 
Currently we offer a Club Directory for venues to place their information. Although there are some updating issues here, it is important to remember that we do not place the information into the directory. This is done by the general Karaoke public. We are constantly in the process of verifying these submissions. We are working on an upgraded version which will have better control.
Thank you for your cooperation. If there are any questions please complete the contact form.
Best Regards,
Phill Cross
Karaoke scene