johnreynolds @ Sun Nov 08, 2009 8:03 am wrote:
So HOW does one encourage guests to sing? I will jokingly ask if they wanna sing, or smile and say "did ya find one yet?" or "so what are ya gonna sing?" but with their scared reactions or a no nod shake, i give up!
I guess i am afraid of pushing too hard and making them feel uncomfortable and they might leave.
How do the better hosts do it? Persuede non-singer to sing in one evening? I am good at slowly working someone over time becasue they keep coming back and it's easy to tell they need/want an extra kick in the pants and that'll get them up. A first-timer...and i'm at a loss on what to do!
I certainly don't claim to be an expert, but this is what I do -
I wait until some hints to the fact they'd like to sing. Most people are just afraid, thats when I encourage them. I do what others have said. I'll suggest they go up with a friend or group the first time, so it isn't as intimidating.
Some people will look in a book all night, but unless you ask them if they want to sing they don't. I don't know why that is for sure, but if I had to guess I'd say it is just that extra push that gets them up there. If I see people looking through books I always try to go over and ask if they'd like to sing. I don't encourage them any more than that unless they show interest. They make it pretty clear if they don't want to right off the bat. Than I just welcome them to the bar.
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