jamkaraoke @ Thu Oct 15, 2009 11:45 am wrote:
Most KJ's started with some basic CORE set and built on from there ordering the NEW POPULAR releases monthly. I think we can all agree ?
Don't know if i'd agree with this. Yes on the solid core, but 'NEW' monthly releases not necessarily is needed for most shows i've ever worked. Most requests I get are for songs starting at 5 years old or older (mostly older), rarely do I get requests for or people singing songs of todays radio - new country would be done more often than new pop/rock.
But the topic and discussion is why it's wrong not to buy this Broadway Musical release ???? No one is saying its wrong TO BUY IT ?????. The OP is twisting things to make it sound like if you don't buy this and every disc released you're inferior some how and NOW you don't have a diverse selection.

Nope, no kj needs everything ever released. Absolutely no point. Get what will work in your clubs. You have to look at the now & buy accordingly, I might occasionally get a disc or two that I think might do well without a request, but only if it's really popular either the artist (example Taylor Swift, Kings Of Leon) or maybe a song that is hot like from a movie soundtrack or whatnot.