Ronny D. @ Sun Sep 27, 2009 7:21 pm wrote:
GeminiMALE40 @ Sun Sep 27, 2009 3:49 am wrote:
My shows have always been know to push the limits..and this Halloween will be no exception....A candy bra eating contest ..what make this even more fun is the girls will be wearing them while the guys eat them..lets just say the aud will get a thrill...IN Dec for New Years our sexy bra and boxer will return for the 5th year..let me say this has become a trade mark for New Years here in Salina KS for Gemini Karaoke and the house is always after all that info...I was wonder does anyone else go to this extreme ???...all I can say is hey sex sell and it helps karaoke out to...

Well, we just had our first annual
'Pimps & Ho's' costume Karaoke event last night. The place was packed to the rafters as word spread about the event in progress. I'd say at least 35-40% of the patrons participated in the dress attire for the evening and the rest cheered everyone on. All I can say is, wow. What a night. I'm also the un-official club photographer and I got some really great psoes.
Once a month to every six weeks we have a themed costume Karaoke event they always pack the house to overflowing crowds at this particular venue.
One of our weekend bartenders. And what a bartender she is.......
and she has a great voice to go along with her.....