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 Post subject: Re: The jerk last night
PostPosted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 6:56 pm 

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Before you set up, I recommend that you talk to the owner and ask how he wants to handle jerks like this. Don't let this be your problem.

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 Post subject: Re: The jerk last night
PostPosted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 10:01 pm 
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From what I gather, no one wants to listen to some clown spit into a mic for five minutes at karaoke. People come to sing actual songs with words in them, not some rhythmic fart noises.

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 Post subject: Re: The jerk last night
PostPosted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 6:26 am 
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It depends on the crowd. We were at a show for the just turned 21 types and there was a guy who would add a minute or two of beat boxing after his songs. At first I was nervous thinking it was going to cause a rotation riot but this particular group cheered him on.

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 Post subject: Re: The jerk last night
PostPosted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 6:41 am 
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I have a beat box / (c)rapper type who shows up every now and then. I have very little tolerance for him but the crowd he brings love him and say 'that's what he's used to at other shows'. I figure he should stay at other shows personally but that's me. I treat him like every other singer and he has to wait and then can do whatever he wants with his 4 minutes of fame. It's always late enough that it really doesn't matter. If he goes on too long or on too weird of a tangent then I'll kill the mic. More recently we've seemed to find a natural understanding where I'll let him have some fun as long as he's not a 'richard'!


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 Post subject: Re: The jerk last night
PostPosted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 7:00 am 
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I will preface that "JERKS" of any kind should be banned or escorted off stage or out of the bar.

BUT --- Is there a difference between someone who want to BEAT BOX a song into the mic versus someone bringing in their own RAP cdg that maybe you don't have.
Unless you already restrict certain songs ( curses, adult content etc) why not let somone beat box ??? PROVIDING THEY ARE MATURE AND COURTEOUS in requesting to do so ?

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 Post subject: Re: The jerk last night
PostPosted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 9:19 am 
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jamkaraoke @ Fri Aug 21, 2009 8:00 am wrote:
BUT --- Is there a difference between someone who want to BEAT BOX a song into the mic versus someone bringing in their own RAP cdg that maybe you don't have.
Unless you already restrict certain songs ( curses, adult content etc) why not let somone beat box ??? PROVIDING THEY ARE MATURE AND COURTEOUS in requesting to do so ?

I think there IS a big difference. Beat boxing would be more appropriate on an open mic night. My show is a karaoke show, not open mic night.
The point about this is I refuse hime for 2 main reasons and a few others:
1) he showed me that he knew nothing of mic work and in fact was screaming into the mic
2) Beat boxing is not appropriate for my Karaoke show
and after awhile for reason #
3) He was NOT mature and courteous and in fact was quite the opposite.
4)At least half the crowd, if not more, would have definitely NOT enjoyed it and may have even left.
When someone is screaming in the mic, depending on their demeanor, I will haul them aside in preparation for their next song. Sometimes, as in this case, I will make a "gentle" kind of humorous example of what not to do, as I explained in my post above.
When he started to argue with me and told me that he DOES know how to use a mic, that told me all I needed to know. (BTW, I neglected to mention that fact in my original post. My bad.)
When he asked me after that if he could beat box the obvious answer would be no, just on that basis alone, never mind the rest.
This "diva" clearly refused to take instruction regarding MY equipment. If he can't / won't follow a simple instruction regarding the use of the mic that protects both my and my patrons' ears and my equipment, why WOULD I let him?

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 Post subject: Re: The jerk last night
PostPosted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 9:37 am 
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Just like swearing I only allow it if it's in the song. I've only had one person beat box and that was because it was in the song. I have to say though I was a bit disturbed after. It's a lot of spitting directly on the mic. I remember thinking Eeew I better switch out that mic. I wouldn't want to be the person singing after. LMAO

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