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 Post subject: MTU HOSTER software
PostPosted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 7:32 pm 
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I realize that details about this software has been scattered throughout various topics, but I have a few questions that will be easier if it's in one place for me. Thanks to all for your patience with my impatience.

I have struggled with the idea of the dongle for Compuhost. I know it's great, but the dongle thing drives me crazy. I am forgetful, I have children, blah, blah. So Hoster may be the better choice for me. I'm not sure which package I need to order. I have 3 computers I may possibly need to install on. I have one running at home that I do most of my work on. My main working computer stays at the bar I work in, and my mom runs one show for me, and she uses her laptop with the external drive connected. (I use a desktop, and she doesn't like carrying it up so many stairs.) Hoster does have the Quad package.

Also, I understand that you can change pitch with Hoster, but can you also change tempo without affecting the key??

I want to be able to record my singers. They would love it if I could use them as filler music.

You can buy Karaoke Suite 4 & Video Hoster or you can buy Hoster and Quad Software. Do you need the Microsoft studio to record or is that feature built in???

thank you guys!!

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 Post subject: Re: MTU HOSTER software
PostPosted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 11:10 pm 
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For what you are looking for, that software package wouldn't be recommended by me.

Also, You are limited on how many times you can install their software on your computer. If you have reached that limit - and it's friday afternoon and you have ANY shows to do over the weekend - I wish you the best of luck in getting it re-installed on your machine. Because it is installed over the net, the administrator can (and has) "switched off" the installation process to a specific user... whether or not they've paid for additional installations.

You can only activate the software over the net (if you haven't reached your limit). PLUS, if for any reason (especially in these hostile economic times) the company were to either stop supporting the software or (worse) go out of business, you'd never be able to re-install it again.

I think the dongle is a better way to go. Yes, you have to make sure your kids don't destroy it or lose it, but that's the only drawback. Even if the software company vanishes, you can still install your software 24/7.

Plus, I don't believe that Hoster has the capabiliy to record singers.

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 Post subject: Re: MTU HOSTER software
PostPosted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 11:19 pm 
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I am most likely buying hoster in the next week or two. I have been studying it, and it appears it does what you want, from the website:
•Copy your discs
•Make custom assembled discs with just your favorite songs
•Turn your PC into a Karaoke Player
•Import individual songs when a bad disc will not copy to backup what you. Even scratched discs will have errors removed due to the best-in-the-world error correction in Microstudio 4.0
Record the singer with the music
•Record only the microphone without music
•Change key while playing (not the same as Keyrite)
•Vocal reduce while playing (not the same as Vogone)

Still evaluating, but like the video abilities of Hoster. Yes, you need the quad.

Felix the KJ

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 Post subject: Re: MTU HOSTER software
PostPosted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 11:33 pm 
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Thank you guys...what about the possibility of using Compuhost for running my shows, but using the Karaoke Suite for recording? Can that be done? Compuhost has recording capabilities built-in, I think, but I'm understanding from other posts that it doesn't support some video formats. I don't use any video karaoke at the time, but it doesn't mean I never would need the feature.

Also, if I need to install on three computers, how many copies of the software would I need? If it came with an extra dongle, I could leave one at the bar just to make sure I have it when I need it, but I would need one for working at home. Also, would the one key work it I had it installed on three computers?

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 Post subject: Re: MTU HOSTER software
PostPosted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 12:09 am 
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Yeah if you install it 100 times, you may have a problem for a weekend show :roll:

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