Karaoke isn't meant to be about bad/good singers. It is about giving the little guy the opportunity to act like a star, even if it is for 3-4 mins. at a time.
As an ex-karaoke host, I know how much courage it takes to get up on stage and wail. After 8 years, I have seen & heard just about everything. It takes no effort to critique but it takes almost everything a person has in their soul to get up on that stage and perform in front of an audience. People should be applauded just for the effort, good or bad. But, that doesn't always happen.
In a place like this, it makes more sense to keep bad comments to yourself but that is the chance you take when posting. That is the SAME for getting up on stage to sing. You put yourself in the spotlight...if you can't handle it, then don't do it. That's why I say ignore the bad stuff, run with the good. Not everyone can be perfect, but hey! at least they are trying & having fun doing it, right?
Enjoy The Site!