I have the cavs supercdg dvd player and also have purchased the encoder, decoder cavs pro player and have downloaded the PlaySCDG-1000 olayer from cavs.
My problen is as I have both SC foundation packs and all the bricks, as well as several Chartbuster disks. I am interested in making my own SuperCDG DVD,s. I have a suitable Plextor burner and have created disks, but the compilation method of changing the .cdg's to .mcg and then creating the text configuration file error free is a little daunting. I need a player that will play the .dat file before I finally burn it to a DVD so that I can do a check on titles and so on.
None of the cavs products will play a home made superdvd made with cavs software.
Does anybody know of a product that will play the .dat file?