You can also get rid of Multiplex vocals in Winamp by right-clicking on a VCD song in the media library while it's playing -> view file info -> MPEG audio decoder -> pick 1st or 2nd channel (depending on which one has the vocal track, "1st" worked for my VCD) -> pick mono -> apply. You can also set this as the default.
Just to add to this:
You will most likely hear the music from only one side of your system. Your vocal will come from both speakers. To over come this, use 2 mono channels for the music input into the mixer. This way the audio signal will be split to both L and R speakers.
Also: You can remove vocal from the track by going to Vol. (at the task bar to the right bottom where the clock is), right click and open Vol Control. Pan (move the balance) either Wav or Play control to L or R.