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 Post subject: What to charge?
PostPosted: Thu Oct 30, 2003 1:22 am 
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Joined: Tue Aug 05, 2003 12:13 am
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Location: Gaithersburg, Maryland
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I have a corporate venue which is pretty much like a Dave & Busters and am really in a ball of confusion what to charge for 4 nights there. Here's the run down. They have there own dj equipment which means I only have to take dj discs. How lovely is that right?! Anyways they are asking for one karaoke night which means I have to take extra equipment, I guess I have to do some work huh, and three dj nights. Now this is me stepping up to the big time and I need serious answers.

I have recently left my boss of eight years to start my business and it is growing fast and would like some help from some serious karaoke industry people.

This also happens to be a referral from a real good customer who is always bringing me parties or clubs. We have already had our meeting and have to make our proposal soon. We also told this client that we would start off light for 6-8 weeks and then we would re-evaluate our contract.

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Oct 30, 2003 10:47 am 
Extreme Plus Poster
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Charge what you feel comfortable doing.

Most people I know that are professionals wouldn't settle for less than $25.00 per hour for a "mere dj" rig. And those are the "starters". If you've got eight years of experience (in this field??) then you certainly don't want to charge starter wages.

Most private shows I know start at $400 and quickly go all the way to $750 and even $1,000 per show. Now, the higher prices usually mean better equipment, better music selection, tons of experience, etc.

If you're going to have to bring in equipment, that's more expense. Microphones (good ones), player(s), all connecting equipment, monitor speaker(s), TV(s)... and let's not forget the karaoke music and songbooks. ALL which are expensive.

Speaking personally, I'd charge $35/hour and make it across the board for the karaoke night as well. That's lowering the rate due to previous customers and all the other reasons you stated.

My private gigs are $500 but for repeat customers, I give them a pretty good discount.

My two cents only


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