Steven Kaplan @ Fri Sep 01, 2006 2:40 pm wrote:
Another question I'd have, and out've respect I don't really want to start another thread. but my question also (because I feel this has a huge bearing on the entertainment factor as well) is
"How do bars today compare to bars 20 years ago".
What I'm asking is
"If bars were as successful today and generated the revenue they did 20 years ago, how would that affect trend in entertainment, or bar entertainment today ? Would karaoke have died out sooner and a newer fad have replaced it sooner, perhaps an older form of entertainment ? or would karaoke be stronger than ever and would gravitate to it today ?"
This to me is also interesting speculation. Because the success of bars of course in general plays a large factor in their entertainment pay-out.
Good point Steven. My guess is a lot of the bars that have karaoke today wouldn't. The atmosphere is different, everything is different.