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 Post subject: Reverb?
PostPosted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 4:20 pm 
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I have just started doing a bit of Karaoke, I use my pc with MP3+G, win amp and plug in.

My question is this, My voice sounds very flat how can I get a reverb effect? is there software? or do I need hardware?


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 Post subject: Re: Reverb?
PostPosted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 4:32 pm 
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Two scenarios:
Are you wanting to record your vocals on computer? Yes there are reverb programs. There may even be programs already in your computer depending on what kind of soundcard and recording program you are using. And yes you can incorporate a reverb unit into your soundcard, if you have one already. But it would be better to run it through a mixer rather than straight into your computer, or at least that's my opinion.

If you were doing it live, my personal opinion would to use a hardware reverb unit that can be adjusted on the fly, rather than having to reset it in your computer.
Enough of me, that's just my novice opinion. There will be others coming along with much more experience and expert advice. Hang tight, help is on the way... :D


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 Post subject: Re: Reverb?
PostPosted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 6:43 pm 
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I use a simple Optimus Karake Music System as a reverb going into my Comp. . It's a little Voice remover/Echo/Mic mixer. 2 mics in, stereo out. Has echo/tone/volume. On batery, it's very quiet. On power adapter, it's got a little hiss from the power cord not being shielded. But not too bad. I don't use it when recording, I use software in the recording programs. Like Cool Edit Pro...

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 Post subject: Re: Reverb?
PostPosted: Sat Jul 29, 2006 5:07 am 

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For simple recording with effects, if you don't want to spend any money, download the free source program Audacity.  It isn't fancy, doesn't have all the features of other recording programs, but the flip side is it does have effects that can be applied to a recording and has a short learning curve.

Set Audacity to record stereo mix from your computer soundboard (probably the default) and then set your mic.  Then I open up my program to play the music (I use Windows Media Player or Musicmatch Jukebox and Audacity at the same time.  If you need lyrics, pull up your browser and do a search for the lyrics for the song you want to do.  I set my levels then hit record on Audacity then play on the music player.  Then I click on the browser for the lyrics and start singing. Once recorded I check it then you can select all and add echo or do any of the other effects that are in the effects menu.  Keep in mind the effects menu doesn't work unless you select all.

It's not feature filled like other programs but it does have things you can use, takes up less hard drive space, there are many internet sites with help for it, the cost is right, and it is simple to learn and use, especially for a beginner.

Hope this helps.

ZAP!   :oh yeah:

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 Post subject: Re: Reverb?
PostPosted: Sat Jul 29, 2006 10:35 am 
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I looked at it, but it doesn't half of what I need. But I did like the feel of it for quick stuff. Cool Edit is even better, but I don't like the FX as much. Most of the Cool Edit FX sound too digital. And it only gets worse as you bundle them. MOST VST FX don't do that. I learned all my recording at an analog studio, and going digital is sooo different. But I'm getting there..lol

"Real life doesn't start untill the music plays." LSK.

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 Post subject: Re: Reverb?
PostPosted: Sat Jul 29, 2006 6:01 pm 
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Echo Karaoke @ 30th July 2006, 2:35 am wrote:
I looked at it, but it doesn't half of what I need. But I did like the feel of it for quick stuff. Cool Edit is even better, but I don't like the FX as much. Most of the Cool Edit FX sound too digital. And it only gets worse as you bundle them. MOST VST FX don't do that. I learned all my recording at an analog studio, and going digital is sooo different. But I'm getting there..lol

Have you try Reaper; its free too. http://www.cockos.com/reaper/index.php

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